/*global describe: true, expect: true, it: true, jasmine: true */ describe("multiple doclets per symbol", function() { function undocumented($) { return ! $.undocumented; } function checkInequality(doclets, property) { for (var l = doclets.length - 1; l > 0; l--) { if (doclets[l][property] !== undefined && doclets[l - 1][property] !== undefined) { expect(doclets[l][property]).not.toBe(doclets[l - 1][property]); } } } var docSet = jasmine.getDocSetFromFile('test/fixtures/also.js'); var name = docSet.getByLongname('Asset#name').filter(undocumented); var shape = docSet.getByLongname('Asset#shape').filter(undocumented); it('When a symbol has multiple adjacent JSDoc comments, both apply to the symbol.', function() { expect(name.length).toBe(2); expect(shape.length).toBe(3); }); it('When a symbol has multiple adjacent JSDoc comments that are not identical, the doclets ' + 'have different comments.', function() { checkInequality(name, 'comment'); checkInequality(shape, 'comment'); }); it('When a symbol has multiple adjacent JSDoc comments with different descriptions, ' + 'the doclets have different descriptions.', function() { checkInequality(name, 'description'); checkInequality(shape, 'description'); }); it('When a symbol has multiple adjacent JSDoc comments with different numbers of ' + '@param tags, the doclets have different parameter lists.', function() { checkInequality(name, 'params.length'); checkInequality(shape, 'params.length'); }); it('When a symbol has multiple adjacent JSDoc comments with different numbers of ' + '@returns tags, the doclets have different lists of return values.', function() { checkInequality(name, 'returns.length'); checkInequality(shape, 'returns.length'); }); });