/*global env: true */ exports.rhino = function(args) { var myGlobal = require('jsdoc/util/global'); // note: mutates args function getDirname() { var dirname; // Rhino has no native way to get the base dirname of the current script, // so this information must be manually passed in from the command line. for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if ( /^--dirname(?:=(.+?)(\/|\/\.)?)?$/i.test(args[i]) ) { if (RegExp.$1) { dirname = RegExp.$1; // last wins args.splice(i--, 1); // remove --dirname opt from arguments } else { dirname = args[i + 1]; args.splice(i--, 2); } } } return dirname; } myGlobal.__dirname = env.dirname = getDirname(); env.args = args; require('jsdoc/util/include')(__dirname + '/rhino/rhino-shim.js'); }; exports.nodejs = function(args) { throw new Error('Node.js is not currently supported!'); /* env.dirname = __dirname; env.args = args; // TODO: add lib/ to the library paths */ };