/*global env: true */ /** @module jsdoc/tag/validator @requires jsdoc/tag/dictionary @author Michael Mathews @license Apache License 2.0 - See file 'LICENSE.md' in this project. */ 'use strict'; var dictionary = require('jsdoc/tag/dictionary'); var format = require('util').format; var logger = require('jsdoc/util/logger'); function buildMessage(tagName, meta, desc) { var result = format('The @%s tag %s. File: %s, line: %s', tagName, desc, meta.filename, meta.lineno); if (meta.comment) { result += '\n' + meta.comment; } return result; } /** * Validate the given tag. */ exports.validate = function(tag, tagDef, meta) { // check for errors that make the tag useless if (!tagDef && !env.conf.tags.allowUnknownTags) { logger.error( buildMessage(tag.title, meta, 'is not a known tag') ); } else if (!tag.text && tagDef.mustHaveValue) { logger.error( buildMessage(tag.title, meta, 'requires a value') ); } // check for minor issues that are usually harmless else if (tag.text && tagDef.mustNotHaveValue) { logger.warn( buildMessage(tag.title, meta, 'does not permit a value; the value will be ignored') ); } else if (tag.value && tag.value.description && tagDef.mustNotHaveDescription) { logger.warn( buildMessage(tag.title, meta, 'does not permit a description; the description will be ignored') ); } };