'use strict'; // Load the test base var testBase = require('../query-builder-base'); // Load the test config file var adapterName = 'node-firebird'; var config = require('../config.json')[adapterName]; config.conn.database = __dirname + config.conn.database; var nodeQuery = require('../../lib/node-query'); // Skip on TravisCi if (process.env.CI) { module.exports = {}; return; } // Set up the connection try { var Firebird = require(adapterName); var conn = null; var qb = null; // Setup testbase from the inside out // Because the connection is async, utilize // the setUp function from nodeunit to get the connection testBase.tests.setUp = function(cb) { if ( ! conn) { // Connect to the database Firebird.attach(config.conn, function(err, db) { if (err) { console.error(err); } conn = db; // Set up the query builder object qb = nodeQuery.init('firebird', db, adapterName); testBase._setUp(qb, function(test, err, result) { if (err) { test.done(); throw new Error(err); } result = result || []; test.ok(result, 'firebird: Valid result for generated query'); test.done(); }); cb(); }); } else { cb(); } }; //delete testBase.tests['DB update tests']; testBase.tests['DB update tests']['Test Insert Batch'] = function(test) { test.expect(1); test.throws(function() { qb.insertBatch({}, (function() {})); }, Error, "Insert Batch not implemented for firebird"); test.done(); }; testBase.tests['nodeQuery.getQuery = nodeQuery.init'] = function(test) { test.expect(1); test.deepEqual(qb, nodeQuery.getQuery(), "getQuery returns same object"); test.done(); }; testBase.tests["firebird adapter with query builder"] = function(test) { test.expect(1); test.ok(testBase.qb); // Disconnect from the db conn.detach(); test.done(); }; module.exports = testBase.tests; } catch (e) { // Export an empty testBase.testsuite if module not loaded console.log(e); console.log("Database adapter firebird not found"); module.exports = {}; }