var helper = require(__dirname + '/../test-helper'); // Path to the password file var passfile = __dirname + '/heroku.pgpass'; // Export the path to the password file process.env.PGPASSFILE = passfile; // Do a chmod 660, because git doesn't track those permissions require('fs').chmodSync(passfile, 384); var pg =; var host = ''; var database = 'db6kfntl5qhp2'; var user = 'kwdzdnqpdiilfs'; var config = { host: host, database: database, user: user, ssl: true }; test('uses password file when PGPASSFILE env variable is set', function() { // connect & disconnect from heroku pg.connect(config, assert.calls(function(err, client, done) { assert.isNull(err); client.query('SELECT NOW() as time', assert.success(function(res) { assert(res.rows[0].time.getTime()); // cleanup ... remove the env variable delete process.env.PGPASSFILE; done(); pg.end(); })) })); });