Source: node-query.js

"use strict";

/** @module node-query */
var nodeQuery = {};

 * Create a query builder object
 * @alias module:node-query
 * @param {String} drivername - The name of the database type, eg. mysql or pg
 * @param {Object} connObject - A connection object from the database library you are connecting with
 * @param {String} connLib - The name of the db connection library you are using, eg. mysql or mysql2
 * @return {queryBuilder}
nodeQuery.init = function (driverType, connObject, connLib) {
	var fs = require('fs'),
		qb = require('./query-builder');

	var paths = {
		driver: __dirname + '/drivers/' + driverType + '.js',
		adapter: __dirname + '/adapters/' + connLib + '.js'

	Object.keys(paths).forEach(function(type) {
		if ( ! fs.existsSync(paths[type]))
			throw new Error('Selected ' + type + ' does not exist!');

	return qb(require(paths.driver), require(paths.adapter)(connObject));

module.exports = nodeQuery.init;
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