var helper = require(__dirname + '/test-helper'); var sink; var testForTypeCoercion = function(type){, function(err, client, done) { assert.isNull(err); client.query("create temp table test_type(col " + + ")", assert.calls(function(err, result) { assert.isNull(err); test("Coerces " +, function() { type.values.forEach(function(val) { var insertQuery = client.query('insert into test_type(col) VALUES($1)',[val],assert.calls(function(err, result) { assert.isNull(err); })); var query = client.query({ name: 'get type ' + , text: 'select col from test_type' }); query.on('error', function(err) { console.log(err); throw err; }); assert.emits(query, 'row', function(row) { var expected = val + " (" + typeof val + ")"; var returned = row.col + " (" + typeof row.col + ")"; assert.strictEqual(row.col, val, "expected " + + " of " + expected + " but got " + returned); }, "row should have been called for " + + " of " + val); client.query('delete from test_type'); }); client.query('drop table test_type', function() { sink.add(); done(); }); }) })); }) }; var types = [{ name: 'integer', values: [-2147483648, -1, 0, 1, 2147483647, null] },{ name: 'smallint', values: [-32768, -1, 0, 1, 32767, null] },{ name: 'bigint', values: [ '-9223372036854775808', '-9007199254740992', '0', '9007199254740992', '72057594037928030', '9223372036854775807', null ] },{ name: 'varchar(5)', values: ['yo', '', 'zomg!', null] },{ name: 'oid', values: [0, 204410, null] },{ name: 'bool', values: [true, false, null] },{ name: 'numeric', values: [ '-12.34', '0', '12.34', '-3141592653589793238462643383279502.1618033988749894848204586834365638', '3141592653589793238462643383279502.1618033988749894848204586834365638', null ] },{ name: 'real', values: [-101.3, -1.2, 0, 1.2, 101.1, null] },{ name: 'double precision', values: [-101.3, -1.2, 0, 1.2, 101.1, null] },{ name: 'timestamptz', values: [null] },{ name: 'timestamp', values: [null] },{ name: 'timetz', values: ['13:11:12.1234-05:30',null] },{ name: 'time', values: ['13:12:12.321', null] }]; // ignore some tests in binary mode if (helper.config.binary) { types = types.filter(function(type) { return !( in {'real': 1, 'timetz':1, 'time':1, 'numeric': 1, 'bigint': 1}); }); } var valueCount = 0; types.forEach(function(type) { valueCount += type.values.length; }) sink = new helper.Sink(types.length + 1, function() {; }) types.forEach(function(type) { testForTypeCoercion(type) }); test("timestampz round trip", function() { var now = new Date(); var client = helper.client(); client.on('error', function(err) { console.log(err); client.end(); }); client.query("create temp table date_tests(name varchar(10), tstz timestamptz(3))"); client.query({ text: "insert into date_tests(name, tstz)VALUES($1, $2)", name: 'add date', values: ['now', now] }); var result = client.query({ name: 'get date', text: 'select * from date_tests where name = $1', values: ['now'] }); assert.emits(result, 'row', function(row) { var date = row.tstz; assert.equal(date.getYear(),now.getYear()); assert.equal(date.getMonth(), now.getMonth()); assert.equal(date.getDate(), now.getDate()); assert.equal(date.getHours(), now.getHours()); assert.equal(date.getMinutes(), now.getMinutes()); assert.equal(date.getSeconds(), now.getSeconds()); test("milliseconds are equal", function() { assert.equal(date.getMilliseconds(), now.getMilliseconds()); }); }); client.on('drain', client.end.bind(client)); }); if(!helper.config.binary) { test('date range extremes', function() { var client = helper.client(); client.on('error', function(err) { console.log(err); client.end(); }); // Set teh server timeszone to the same as used for the test, // otherwise (if server's timezone is ahead of GMT) in // textParsers.js::parseDate() the timezone offest is added to the date; // in the case of "275760-09-13 00:00:00 GMT" the timevalue overflows. client.query('SET TIMEZONE TO GMT', [], assert.success(function(res){ // PostgreSQL supports date range of 4713 BCE to 294276 CE // // ECMAScript supports date range of Apr 20 271821 BCE to Sep 13 275760 CE // client.query('SELECT $1::TIMESTAMPTZ as when', ["275760-09-13 00:00:00 GMT"], assert.success(function(res) { assert.equal(res.rows[0].when.getFullYear(), 275760); })); client.query('SELECT $1::TIMESTAMPTZ as when', ["4713-12-31 12:31:59 BC GMT"], assert.success(function(res) { assert.equal(res.rows[0].when.getFullYear(), -4713); })); client.query('SELECT $1::TIMESTAMPTZ as when', ["275760-09-13 00:00:00 -15:00"], assert.success(function(res) { assert( isNaN(res.rows[0].when.getTime()) ); })); client.on('drain', client.end.bind(client)); })); }); }, assert.calls(function(err, client, done) { assert.isNull(err); client.query('select null as res;', assert.calls(function(err, res) { assert.isNull(err); assert.strictEqual(res.rows[0].res, null) })) client.query('select 7 <> $1 as res;',[null], function(err, res) { assert.isNull(err); assert.strictEqual(res.rows[0].res, null); sink.add(); done(); }) })) if(!helper.config.binary) { test("postgres date type", function() { var client = helper.client(); var testDate = new Date (2010, 9, 31); client.on('error', function(err) { console.log(err); client.end(); }); client.query("SELECT $1::date", [testDate], assert.calls(function(err, result){ assert.isNull(err); assert.strictEqual(result.rows[0].date.toString(), testDate.toString()); })); client.on('drain', client.end.bind(client)); }); }