var helper = require(__dirname + '/../test-helper'); var pg =; var log = function() { //console.log.apply(console, arguments); } var sink = new helper.Sink(5, 10000, function() { log("ending connection pool: %j", helper.config); pg.end(helper.config); }); test('api', function() { log("connecting to %j", helper.config) //test weird callback behavior with node-pool pg.connect(helper.config, function(err) { assert.isNull(err); arguments[1].emit('drain'); arguments[2](); }); pg.connect(helper.config, assert.calls(function(err, client, done) { assert.equal(err, null, "Failed to connect: " + helper.sys.inspect(err)); client.query('CREATE TEMP TABLE band(name varchar(100))'); ['the flaming lips', 'wolf parade', 'radiohead', 'bright eyes', 'the beach boys', 'dead black hearts'].forEach(function(bandName) { var query = client.query("INSERT INTO band (name) VALUES ('"+ bandName +"')") }); test('simple query execution',assert.calls( function() { log("executing simple query") client.query("SELECT * FROM band WHERE name = 'the beach boys'", assert.calls(function(err, result) { assert.lengthIs(result.rows, 1) assert.equal(result.rows.pop().name, 'the beach boys') log("simple query executed") })); })) test('prepared statement execution',assert.calls( function() { log("executing prepared statement 1") client.query('SELECT * FROM band WHERE name = $1', ['dead black hearts'],assert.calls( function(err, result) { log("Prepared statement 1 finished") assert.lengthIs(result.rows, 1); assert.equal(result.rows.pop().name, 'dead black hearts'); })) log("executing prepared statement two") client.query('SELECT * FROM band WHERE name LIKE $1 ORDER BY name', ['the %'], assert.calls(function(err, result) { log("prepared statement two finished") assert.lengthIs(result.rows, 2); assert.equal(result.rows.pop().name, 'the flaming lips'); assert.equal(result.rows.pop().name, 'the beach boys'); sink.add(); done(); })) })) })) }) test('executing nested queries', function() { pg.connect(helper.config, assert.calls(function(err, client, done) { assert.isNull(err); log("connected for nested queriese") client.query('select now as now from NOW()', assert.calls(function(err, result) { assert.equal(new Date().getYear(), result.rows[0].now.getYear()) client.query('select now as now_again FROM NOW()', assert.calls(function() { client.query('select * FROM NOW()', assert.calls(function() { log('all nested queries recieved') assert.ok('all queries hit') sink.add(); done(); })) })) })) })) }) test('raises error if cannot connect', function() { var connectionString = "pg://sfalsdkf:asdf@localhost/ieieie"; log("trying to connect to invalid place for error") pg.connect(connectionString, assert.calls(function(err, client, done) { assert.ok(err, 'should have raised an error') log("invalid connection supplied error to callback") sink.add(); done(); })) }) test("query errors are handled and do not bubble if callback is provded", function() { pg.connect(helper.config, assert.calls(function(err, client, done) { assert.isNull(err) log("checking for query error") client.query("SELECT OISDJF FROM LEIWLISEJLSE", assert.calls(function(err, result) { assert.ok(err); log("query error supplied error to callback") sink.add(); done(); })) })) }) test('callback is fired once and only once', function() { pg.connect(helper.config, assert.calls(function(err, client, done) { assert.isNull(err); client.query("CREATE TEMP TABLE boom(name varchar(10))"); var callCount = 0; client.query([ "INSERT INTO boom(name) VALUES('hai')", "INSERT INTO boom(name) VALUES('boom')", "INSERT INTO boom(name) VALUES('zoom')", ].join(";"), function(err, callback) { assert.equal(callCount++, 0, "Call count should be 0. More means this callback fired more than once."); sink.add(); done(); }) })) }) test('can provide callback and config object', function() { pg.connect(helper.config, assert.calls(function(err, client, done) { assert.isNull(err); client.query({ name: 'boom', text: 'select NOW()' }, assert.calls(function(err, result) { assert.isNull(err); assert.equal(result.rows[0].now.getYear(), new Date().getYear()) done(); })) })) }) test('can provide callback and config and parameters', function() { pg.connect(helper.config, assert.calls(function(err, client, done) { assert.isNull(err); var config = { text: 'select $1::text as val' }; client.query(config, ['hi'], assert.calls(function(err, result) { assert.isNull(err); assert.equal(result.rows.length, 1); assert.equal(result.rows[0].val, 'hi'); done(); })) })) }) test('null and undefined are both inserted as NULL', function() { pg.connect(helper.config, assert.calls(function(err, client, done) { assert.isNull(err); client.query("CREATE TEMP TABLE my_nulls(a varchar(1), b varchar(1), c integer, d integer, e date, f date)"); client.query("INSERT INTO my_nulls(a,b,c,d,e,f) VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6)", [ null, undefined, null, undefined, null, undefined ]); client.query("SELECT * FROM my_nulls", assert.calls(function(err, result) { assert.isNull(err); assert.equal(result.rows.length, 1); assert.isNull(result.rows[0].a); assert.isNull(result.rows[0].b); assert.isNull(result.rows[0].c); assert.isNull(result.rows[0].d); assert.isNull(result.rows[0].e); assert.isNull(result.rows[0].f); done(); })) })) })