var types = require('pg-types'); //result object returned from query //in the 'end' event and also //passed as second argument to provided callback var Result = function(rowMode) { this.command = null; this.rowCount = null; this.oid = null; this.rows = []; this.fields = []; this._parsers = []; this.RowCtor = null; this.rowAsArray = rowMode == "array"; if(this.rowAsArray) { this.parseRow = this._parseRowAsArray; } }; var matchRegexp = /([A-Za-z]+) ?(\d+ )?(\d+)?/; //adds a command complete message Result.prototype.addCommandComplete = function(msg) { var match; if(msg.text) { //pure javascript match = matchRegexp.exec(msg.text); } else { //native bindings match = matchRegexp.exec(msg.command); } if(match) { this.command = match[1]; //match 3 will only be existing on insert commands if(match[3]) { //msg.value is from native bindings this.rowCount = parseInt(match[3] || msg.value, 10); this.oid = parseInt(match[2], 10); } else { this.rowCount = parseInt(match[2], 10); } } }; Result.prototype._parseRowAsArray = function(rowData) { var row = []; for(var i = 0, len = rowData.length; i < len; i++) { var rawValue = rowData[i]; if(rawValue !== null) { row.push(this._parsers[i](rawValue)); } else { row.push(null); } } return row; }; //rowData is an array of text or binary values //this turns the row into a JavaScript object Result.prototype.parseRow = function(rowData) { return new this.RowCtor(this._parsers, rowData); }; Result.prototype.addRow = function(row) { this.rows.push(row); }; var inlineParser = function(fieldName, i) { return "\nthis['" + //fields containing single quotes will break //the evaluated javascript unless they are escaped //see fieldName.replace("'", "\\'") + "'] = " + "rowData[" + i + "] == null ? null : parsers[" + i + "](rowData[" + i + "]);"; }; Result.prototype.addFields = function(fieldDescriptions) { //clears field definitions //multiple query statements in 1 action can result in multiple sets //of 'select NOW(); select 1::int;' //you need to reset the fields if(this.fields.length) { this.fields = []; this._parsers = []; } var ctorBody = ""; for(var i = 0; i < fieldDescriptions.length; i++) { var desc = fieldDescriptions[i]; this.fields.push(desc); var parser = this._getTypeParser(desc.dataTypeID, desc.format || 'text'); this._parsers.push(parser); //this is some craziness to compile the row result parsing //results in ~60% speedup on large query result sets ctorBody += inlineParser(, i); } if(!this.rowAsArray) { this.RowCtor = Function("parsers", "rowData", ctorBody); } }; Result.prototype._getTypeParser = types.getTypeParser; module.exports = Result;