'use strict'; var helpers = require('../lib/helpers'); var helperTests = { 'Type checking method tests' : { "Object wrappers are listed as their native type": function(test) { test.deepEqual('boolean', helpers.type(new Boolean(true)), "Boolean Wrapper returns 'boolean' not 'object'"); test.deepEqual('number', helpers.type(new Number(4867)), "Number Wrapper returns 'number' not 'object"); test.deepEqual('string', helpers.type(new String("Foo")), "String Wrapper returns 'string' not 'object'"); test.done(); } }, 'is..Method tests exist' : function(test) { test.expect(11); var types = ['Null','Undefined','Object','Array','String','Number','Boolean','Function','RegExp','NaN','Infinite']; types.forEach(function(type) { test.ok(helpers['is' + type], 'is' + type + ' method exists'); }); test.done(); }, 'isNaN': function(test) { test.expect(2); test.equal(helpers.type(0 / 0), 'nan'); test.deepEqual(helpers.isNaN(0 / 0), true); test.done(); }, 'isInfinity': function(test) { test.expect(2); test.equal(helpers.type(1/0), 'infinity'); test.deepEqual(helpers.isInfinite(1/0), true); test.done(); }, 'stringTrim': function(test) { test.expect(1); var orig = [' x y ', 'z ', ' q']; var ret = ['x y', 'z', 'q']; test.deepEqual(ret, orig.map(helpers.stringTrim)); test.done(); }, 'arrayPluck': function(test) { test.expect(3); var orig = [{ foo: 1 },{ foo: 2, bar: 10 },{ foo: 3, bar: 15 }]; test.deepEqual([1,2,3], helpers.arrayPluck(orig, 'foo'), 'Finding members in all objects'); test.deepEqual([10,15], helpers.arrayPluck(orig, 'bar'), 'Some members are missing in some objects'); // Empty case test.deepEqual([], helpers.arrayPluck([], 'apple')); test.done(); }, 'regexInArray': function(test) { var orig = ['apple', ' string ', 6, 4, 7]; test.expect(4); test.equal(false, helpers.regexInArray(orig, /\$/), 'Dollar sign is not in any of the array items'); test.equal(true, helpers.regexInArray(orig, /^ ?string/), "' string ' matches /^ ?string/"); test.equal(true, helpers.regexInArray(orig, /APPLE/i), "'apple' matches /APPLE/i"); test.equal(false, helpers.regexInArray(orig, /5/), 'None of the numbers in the array match /5/'); test.done(); } }; module.exports = helperTests;