var fb = require('../lib'); var fs = require('fs'); var os = require('os'); var assert = require('assert'); var Path = require('path'); var now = new Date(); var config = { // Problem with privileges in OSX // database: Path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'test-' + new Date().getTime() + '.fdb'), database: Path.join(process.cwd(), 'test-' + new Date().getTime() + '.fdb'), host: '', // default port: 3050, // default user: 'SYSDBA', // default password: 'masterkey', // default role: null, // default pageSize: 4096, // default when creating database timeout: 3000 // default query timeout } Array.prototype.async = function(cb) { var self = this; var item = self.shift(); if (item === undefined) { if (cb) cb(); return; } item(function() { setImmediate(function() { self.async(cb); }); }); }; fb.attachOrCreate(config, function (err, db) { if (err) throw err.message; database = db; var task = []; task.push(test_create); task.push(test_reconnect); task.push(test_insert); task.push(test_select_insert); // for inserted rows task.push(test_update); task.push(test_select_update); // for updated rows task.push(test_transaction); task.push(function(next) { db.detach(next); }); task.push(test_pooling); task.async(); }); function test_create(next) { var name = 'TEST ---> test_create'; console.time(name); // Create table database.query('CREATE TABLE test (ID INT, NAME VARCHAR(50), FILE BLOB, CREATED TIMESTAMP)', function(err) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': create table ' + err); // Check if table exists database.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test', function(err, r) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': check existing of table ' + err); assert.ok(r[0].count === 0, name + ': check rows in new table'); console.timeEnd(name); // Next test next(); }); }); } function test_reconnect(next) { var name = 'TEST ---> test_reconnect'; console.time(name); database.connection._socket.end(); database.on('reconnect', function() { console.timeEnd(name); next(); }); } function test_insert(next) { var name = 'TEST ---> test_insert'; var query = []; console.time(name); // Insert record with blob (STREAM) query.push(function(next) { database.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME, FILE, CREATED) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING ID', [1, 'Firebird 1', fs.createReadStream('image.png'), '14.12.2014 12:12:12'], function(err, r) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': insert blob (stream) ' + err); assert.ok(r['id'] === 1, name + ': blob (stream) returning value'); next(); }); }); // Insert record with blob (BUFFER) query.push(function(next) { database.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME, FILE, CREATED) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING ID', [2, 'Firebird 2', fs.readFileSync('image.png'), '14.12.2014T12:12:12'], function(err, r) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': insert blob (buffer) ' + err); assert.ok(r['id'] === 2, name + ': blob (buffer) returning value'); next(); }); }); // Insert record without blob query.push(function(next) { database.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME, CREATED) VALUES(?, ?, ?) RETURNING ID', [3, 'Firebird 3', now], function(err, r) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': insert without blob (buffer) (1) ' + err); assert.ok(r['id'] === 3, name + ': without blob (buffer) returning value'); next(); }); }); // Insert record without blob (without returning value) query.push(function(next) { database.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME, CREATED) VALUES(?, ?, ?)', [4, 'Firebird 4', '2014-12-12 13:59'], function(err, r) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': insert without blob (buffer) (2) ' + err); assert.ok(err === undefined, name + ': insert without blob + without returning value'); next(); }); }); query.async(function() { console.timeEnd(name); next(); }); } function test_update(next) { var name = 'TEST ---> test_update'; console.time(name); var query = []; // Insert record with blob (STREAM) query.push(function(next) { database.query('UPDATE test SET NAME=?, FILE=? WHERE Id=1', ['Firebird 1 (UPD)', fs.createReadStream('image.png')], function(err, r) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': update blob (stream) ' + err); next(); }); }); // Insert record with blob (BUFFER) query.push(function(next) { database.query('UPDATE test SET NAME=?, FILE=? WHERE Id=2', ['Firebird 2 (UPD)', fs.readFileSync('image.png')], function(err, r) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': update blob (buffer) ' + err); next(); }); }); query.async(function() { console.timeEnd(name); next(); }); } function test_select_insert(next) { var name = 'TEST ---> test_select_insert'; console.time(name); var query = []; // Classic select query.push(function(next) { database.query('SELECT * FROM test', function(err, r) { var row = r[0]; var row2 = r[2]; var row4 = r[3]; assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (1) ' + err); assert.ok(row !== undefined, name + ': problem (2)'); assert.ok( === 1 && === 'Firebird 1', name + ': problem with deserializer'); assert.ok(typeof(row.file) === 'function', name + ': blob'); assert.ok(row.created.getMonth() === 11 && row.created.getDate() === 14 && row.created.getFullYear() === 2014 && row.created.getHours() === 12 && row.created.getMinutes() === 12, name + ': date problem (1)'); assert.ok(row2.created.getTime() === now.getTime(), name + ': date problem (2)'); assert.ok(row4.created.getMonth() === 11 && row4.created.getDate() === 12 && row4.created.getFullYear() === 2014 && row4.created.getHours() === 13 && row4.created.getMinutes() === 59, name + ': date problem (3)'); row.file(function(err, name, e) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': reading blob ' + err); var count = 0; e.on('data', function(buffer) { count += buffer.length; }); e.on('end', function() { assert.ok(count === 5472, name + ': problem with retrieving blob data'); next(); }); }); }); }); // Select to array query.push(function(next) { // Deserialize to array database.execute('SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(Id) FROM test', function(err, r) { assert.ok(r[0][0] === 4 && r[0][1] === 10, name + ': array deserializer problem'); next(); }); }); // Sequentially select (object) query.push(function(next) { var counter = 0; database.sequentially('SELECT Id FROM test', function(row, index) { counter +=; }, function() { assert.ok(counter === 10, name + ': sequentially (object)'); next(); }); }); // Sequentially select (array) query.push(function(next) { var counter = 0; database.sequentially('SELECT Id FROM test', function(row, index) { counter += row[0]; }, function() { assert.ok(counter === 10, name + ': sequentially (array)'); next(); }, true); }); query.async(function() { console.timeEnd(name); next(); }); } function test_select_update(next) { var name = 'TEST ---> test_select_update'; console.time(name); var query = []; // Classic select 1 query.push(function(next) { database.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE Id=1', function(err, r) { var row = r[0]; assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (1) ' + err); assert.ok(row !== undefined, name + ': problem (2)'); assert.ok( === 1 && === 'Firebird 1 (UPD)', name + ': problem with deserializer'); assert.ok(typeof(row.file) === 'function', name + ': blob'); row.file(function(err, name, e) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': reading blob'); var count = 0; e.on('data', function(buffer) { count += buffer.length; }); e.on('end', function() { assert.ok(count === 5472, name + ': problem with retrieving blob data'); next(); }); }); }); }); // Classic select 2 query.push(function(next) { database.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE Id=2', function(err, r) { var row = r[0]; assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (1) ' + err); assert.ok(row !== undefined, name + ': problem (2)'); assert.ok( === 2 && === 'Firebird 2 (UPD)', name + ': problem with deserializer'); assert.ok(typeof(row.file) === 'function', name + ': blob'); row.file(function(err, name, e) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': reading blob'); var count = 0; e.on('data', function(buffer) { count += buffer.length; }); e.on('end', function() { assert.ok(count === 5472, name + ': problem with retrieving blob data'); next(); }); }); }); }); query.async(function() { console.timeEnd(name); next(); }); } function test_transaction(next) { var name = 'TEST ---> test_transaction'; console.time(name); var query = []; // Invalid transaction query.push(function(next) { database.transaction(function(err, transaction) { transaction.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME) VALUES(?, ?)', [5, 'Transaction 1'], function(err) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (1) ' + err); transaction.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME) VALUES(?, ?)', [6, 'Transaction 2'], function(err) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (2)'); transaction.query('INSERT INTO testa (ID, NAME) VALUES(?, ?)', [7, 'Transaction 3'], function(err) { assert.ok(err, name + ': problem (3)'); transaction.rollback(function(err) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': rollback problem'); next(); }); }); }); }); }); }); // Select to array query.push(function(next) { database.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test', function(err, r) { assert.ok(r[0].count === 4, name + ': transaction does not work (rollback)'); next(); }); }); // Valid transaction query.push(function(next) { database.transaction(function(err, transaction) { transaction.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME) VALUES(?, ?)', [5, 'Transaction 1'], function(err) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (4) ' + err); transaction.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME) VALUES(?, ?)', [6, 'Transaction 2'], function(err) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (5)'); transaction.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME) VALUES(?, ?)', [7, 'Transaction 3'], function(err) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (6) ' + err); transaction.commit(function(err) { assert.ok(!err, name + ': commit problem ' + err); next(); }); }); }); }); }); }); // Select to array query.push(function(next) { database.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test', function(err, r) { assert.ok(r[0].count === 7, name + ': transaction does not work (commit)'); next(); }); }); query.async(function() { console.timeEnd(name); next(); }); } function test_pooling(next) { var name = 'TEST ---> test_pooling'; console.time(name); var query = []; var pool = fb.pool(2, config); query.push(function(next) { pool.get(function(err, db) { setTimeout(function() { // detach a current connection (socket is opened) db.detach(); }, 1000); next(); }); }); query.push(function(next) { pool.get(function(err, db) { setTimeout(function() { // detach a current connection (socket is still opened) db.detach(); }, 1500); next(); }); }); query.push(function(next) { pool.get(function(err, db) { next(); }); assert.ok(pool.pending.length > 0, name + ': pool pending'); }); query.push(function(next) { setTimeout(function() { pool.destroy(); console.timeEnd(name); }, 500); next(); }); query.async(next); }