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2014-10-20 16:56:45 -04:00
/*global env, Packages */
/*eslint no-script-url:0 */
* @module jsdoc/src/parser
'use strict';
var jsdoc = {
doclet: require('jsdoc/doclet'),
name: require('jsdoc/name'),
src: {
astnode: require('jsdoc/src/astnode'),
syntax: require('jsdoc/src/syntax')
var logger = require('jsdoc/util/logger');
var util = require('util');
var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var Syntax = jsdoc.src.syntax.Syntax;
// Prefix for JavaScript strings that were provided in lieu of a filename.
var SCHEMA = 'javascript:';
// TODO: docs
var PARSERS = exports.PARSERS = {
esprima: 'jsdoc/src/parser',
rhino: 'rhino/jsdoc/src/parser'
// TODO: docs
// TODO: not currently used
function makeGlobalDoclet(globalScope) {
var doclet = new jsdoc.doclet.Doclet('/** Auto-generated doclet for global scope */', {});
if (globalScope) {
// TODO: handle global aliases
Object.keys(globalScope.ownedVariables).forEach(function(variable) {
doclet.meta.vars = doclet.meta.vars || {};
doclet.meta.vars[variable] = null;
return doclet;
// TODO: docs
exports.createParser = function(type) {
var path = require('jsdoc/path');
var runtime = require('jsdoc/util/runtime');
var modulePath;
if (!type) {
type = runtime.isRhino() ? 'rhino' : 'esprima';
if (PARSERS[type]) {
modulePath = PARSERS[type];
else {
modulePath = path.join( path.getResourcePath(path.dirname(type)), path.basename(type) );
try {
return new ( require(modulePath) ).Parser();
catch (e) {
logger.fatal('Unable to create the parser type "' + type + '": ' + e);
// TODO: docs
* @class
* @mixes module:events.EventEmitter
* @example <caption>Create a new parser.</caption>
* var jsdocParser = new (require('jsdoc/src/parser').Parser)();
var Parser = exports.Parser = function(builderInstance, visitorInstance, walkerInstance) {
this._astBuilder = builderInstance || new (require('jsdoc/src/astbuilder')).AstBuilder();
this._visitor = visitorInstance || new (require('jsdoc/src/visitor')).Visitor(this);
this._walker = walkerInstance || new (require('jsdoc/src/walker')).Walker();
Object.defineProperties(this, {
astBuilder: {
get: function() {
return this._astBuilder;
visitor: {
get: function() {
return this._visitor;
walker: {
get: function() {
return this._walker;
util.inherits(Parser, require('events').EventEmitter);
// TODO: docs
Parser.prototype.clear = function() {
this._resultBuffer = [];
this.refs = {};
this.refs[jsdoc.src.astnode.GLOBAL_NODE_ID] = {};
this.refs[jsdoc.src.astnode.GLOBAL_NODE_ID].meta = {};
// TODO: update docs
* Parse the given source files for JSDoc comments.
* @param {Array.<string>} sourceFiles An array of filepaths to the JavaScript sources.
* @param {string} [encoding=utf8]
* @fires module:jsdoc/src/parser.Parser.parseBegin
* @fires module:jsdoc/src/parser.Parser.fileBegin
* @fires module:jsdoc/src/parser.Parser.jsdocCommentFound
* @fires module:jsdoc/src/parser.Parser.symbolFound
* @fires module:jsdoc/src/parser.Parser.newDoclet
* @fires module:jsdoc/src/parser.Parser.fileComplete
* @fires module:jsdoc/src/parser.Parser.parseComplete
* @example <caption>Parse two source files.</caption>
* var myFiles = ['file1.js', 'file2.js'];
* var docs = jsdocParser.parse(myFiles);
Parser.prototype.parse = function(sourceFiles, encoding) {
encoding = encoding || env.conf.encoding || 'utf8';
var filename = '';
var sourceCode = '';
var parsedFiles = [];
var e = {};
if (typeof sourceFiles === 'string') {
sourceFiles = [sourceFiles];
e.sourcefiles = sourceFiles;
logger.debug('Parsing source files: %j', sourceFiles);
this.emit('parseBegin', e);
for (var i = 0, l = sourceFiles.length; i < l; i++) {
sourceCode = '';
if (sourceFiles[i].indexOf(SCHEMA) === 0) {
sourceCode = sourceFiles[i].substr(SCHEMA.length);
filename = '[[string' + i + ']]';
else {
filename = sourceFiles[i];
try {
sourceCode = require('jsdoc/fs').readFileSync(filename, encoding);
catch(e) {
logger.error('Unable to read and parse the source file %s: %s', filename, e);
if (sourceCode.length) {
this._parseSourceCode(sourceCode, filename);
this.emit('parseComplete', {
sourcefiles: parsedFiles,
doclets: this._resultBuffer
logger.debug('Finished parsing source files.');
return this._resultBuffer;
// TODO: docs
Parser.prototype.fireProcessingComplete = function(doclets) {
this.emit('processingComplete', { doclets: doclets });
// TODO: docs
Parser.prototype.results = function() {
return this._resultBuffer;
// TODO: update docs
* @param {Object} o The parse result to add to the result buffer.
Parser.prototype.addResult = function(o) {
// TODO: docs
Parser.prototype.addAstNodeVisitor = function(visitor) {
// TODO: docs
Parser.prototype.getAstNodeVisitors = function() {
return this._visitor.getAstNodeVisitors();
// TODO: docs
function pretreat(code) {
return code
// comment out hashbang at the top of the file, like: #!/usr/bin/env node
.replace(/^(\#\![\S \t]+\r?\n)/, '// $1')
// to support code minifiers that preserve /*! comments, treat /*!* as equivalent to /**
.replace(/\/\*\!\*/g, '/**')
// merge adjacent doclets
.replace(/\*\/\/\*\*+/g, '@also');
/** @private */
Parser.prototype._parseSourceCode = function(sourceCode, sourceName) {
var ast;
var globalScope;
var e = {
filename: sourceName
this.emit('fileBegin', e);
logger.printInfo('Parsing %s ...', sourceName);
if (!e.defaultPrevented) {
e = {
filename: sourceName,
source: sourceCode
this.emit('beforeParse', e);
sourceCode = e.source;
sourceName = e.filename;
sourceCode = pretreat(e.source);
ast =, sourceName);
if (ast) {
this._walker.recurse(sourceName, ast, this._visitor);
this.emit('fileComplete', e);'complete.');
// TODO: docs
Parser.prototype.addDocletRef = function(e) {
var node;
if (e && e.code && e.code.node) {
node = e.code.node;
// allow lookup from value => doclet
if (e.doclet) {
this.refs[node.nodeId] = e.doclet;
// keep references to undocumented anonymous functions, too, as they might have scoped vars
else if (
(node.type === Syntax.FunctionDeclaration || node.type === Syntax.FunctionExpression) &&
!this.refs[node.nodeId] ) {
this.refs[node.nodeId] = {
meta: {
code: e.code
// TODO: docs
Parser.prototype._getDoclet = function(id) {
if (, id) ) {
return this.refs[id];
return null;
// TODO: docs
* @param {string} name - The symbol's longname.
* @return {string} The symbol's basename.
Parser.prototype.getBasename = function(name) {
if (name !== undefined) {
return name.replace(/^([$a-z_][$a-z_0-9]*).*?$/i, '$1');
// TODO: docs
function definedInScope(doclet, basename) {
return !!doclet && !!doclet.meta && !!doclet.meta.vars && !!basename &&, basename);
// TODO: docs
* Given a node, determine what the node is a member of.
* @param {node} node
* @returns {string} The long name of the node that this is a member of.
Parser.prototype.astnodeToMemberof = function(node) {
var basename;
var doclet;
var scope;
var result = '';
var type = node.type;
if ( (type === Syntax.FunctionDeclaration || type === Syntax.FunctionExpression ||
type === Syntax.VariableDeclarator) && node.enclosingScope ) {
doclet = this._getDoclet(node.enclosingScope.nodeId);
if (!doclet) {
result = +;
else {
result = (doclet.longname || +;
else {
// check local references for aliases
scope = node;
basename = this.getBasename( jsdoc.src.astnode.nodeToString(node) );
// walk up the scope chain until we find the scope in which the node is defined
while (scope.enclosingScope) {
doclet = this._getDoclet(scope.enclosingScope.nodeId);
if ( doclet && definedInScope(doclet, basename) ) {
result = [doclet.meta.vars[basename], basename];
else {
// move up
scope = scope.enclosingScope;
// do we know that it's a global?
doclet = this.refs[jsdoc.src.astnode.GLOBAL_NODE_ID];
if ( doclet && definedInScope(doclet, basename) ) {
result = [doclet.meta.vars[basename], basename];
// have we seen the node's parent? if so, use that
else if (node.parent) {
doclet = this._getDoclet(node.parent.nodeId);
// set the result if we found a doclet. (if we didn't, the AST node may describe a
// global symbol.)
if (doclet) {
result = doclet.longname ||;
return result;
// TODO: docs
* Resolve what "this" refers to relative to a node.
* @param {node} node - The "this" node
* @returns {string} The longname of the enclosing node.
Parser.prototype.resolveThis = function(node) {
var doclet;
var result;
// In general, if there's an enclosing scope, we use the enclosing scope to resolve `this`.
// For object properties, we use the node's parent (the object) instead. This is a consequence
// of the source-rewriting hackery that we use to support the `@lends` tag.
if (node.type !== Syntax.Property && node.enclosingScope) {
doclet = this._getDoclet(node.enclosingScope.nodeId);
if (!doclet) {
result =; // TODO handle global this?
else if (doclet['this']) {
result = doclet['this'];
// like: Foo.constructor = function(n) { /** blah */ = n; }
else if (doclet.kind === 'function' && doclet.memberof) {
result = doclet.memberof;
// like: var foo = function(n) { /** blah */ = n; }
else if ( doclet.kind === 'member' && jsdoc.src.astnode.isAssignment(node) ) {
result = doclet.longname ||;
// walk up to the closest class we can find
else if (doclet.kind === 'class' || doclet.kind === 'module') {
result = doclet.longname ||;
else if (node.enclosingScope) {
result = this.resolveThis(node.enclosingScope);
else if (node.parent) {
doclet = this.refs[node.parent.nodeId];
// TODO: is this behavior correct? when do we get here?
if (!doclet) {
result = ''; // global?
else {
result = doclet.longname ||;
// TODO: is this behavior correct? when do we get here?
else {
result = ''; // global?
return result;
// TODO: docs
* Given 'var foo = { x: 1 }', find foo from x.
Parser.prototype.resolvePropertyParent = function(node) {
var doclet;
if (node.parent) {
doclet = this._getDoclet(node.parent.nodeId);
return doclet;
// TODO docs
* Resolve what function a var is limited to.
* @param {astnode} node
* @param {string} basename The leftmost name in the long name: in the basename is foo.
Parser.prototype.resolveVar = function(node, basename) {
var doclet;
var result;
var scope = node.enclosingScope;
if (!scope) {
result = ''; // global
else {
doclet = this._getDoclet(scope.nodeId);
if ( definedInScope(doclet, basename) ) {
result = doclet.longname;
else {
result = this.resolveVar(scope, basename);
return result;
// TODO: docs
Parser.prototype.resolveEnum = function(e) {
var doclet = this.resolvePropertyParent(e.code.node.parent);
if (doclet && doclet.isEnum) {
if (! { = [];
// members of an enum inherit the enum's type
if (doclet.type && !e.doclet.type) {
e.doclet.type = doclet.type;
delete e.doclet.undocumented;
e.doclet.defaultvalue = e.doclet.meta.code.value;
// add a copy of the doclet to the parent's properties require('jsdoc/util/doop').doop(e.doclet) );
// TODO: document other events
* Fired once for each JSDoc comment in the current source code.
* @event jsdocCommentFound
* @memberof module:jsdoc/src/parser.Parser
* @param {event} e
* @param {string} e.comment The text content of the JSDoc comment
* @param {number} e.lineno The line number associated with the found comment.
* @param {string} e.filename The file name associated with the found comment.