
174 lines
5.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

var helper = require(__dirname + '/test-helper');
var utils = require(__dirname + "/../../lib/utils");
var defaults = require(__dirname + "/../../lib").defaults;
test('ensure types is exported on root object', function() {
var pg = require('../../lib')
//this tests the monkey patching
//to ensure comptability with older
//versions of node
test("EventEmitter.once", function(t) {
//an event emitter
var stream = new MemoryStream();
var callCount = 0;
stream.once('single', function() {
assert.equal(callCount, 1);
test('normalizing query configs', function() {
var config
var callback = function () {}
config = utils.normalizeQueryConfig({text: 'TEXT'})
assert.same(config, {text: 'TEXT'})
config = utils.normalizeQueryConfig({text: 'TEXT'}, [10])
assert.deepEqual(config, {text: 'TEXT', values: [10]})
config = utils.normalizeQueryConfig({text: 'TEXT', values: [10]})
assert.deepEqual(config, {text: 'TEXT', values: [10]})
config = utils.normalizeQueryConfig('TEXT', [10], callback)
assert.deepEqual(config, {text: 'TEXT', values: [10], callback: callback})
config = utils.normalizeQueryConfig({text: 'TEXT', values: [10]}, callback)
assert.deepEqual(config, {text: 'TEXT', values: [10], callback: callback})
test('prepareValues: buffer prepared properly', function() {
var buf = new Buffer("quack");
var out = utils.prepareValue(buf);
assert.strictEqual(buf, out);
test('prepareValues: date prepared properly', function() {
var date = new Date(2014, 1, 1, 11, 11, 1, 7);
var out = utils.prepareValue(date);
assert.strictEqual(out, "2014-02-01T11:11:01.007+05:30");
test('prepareValues: undefined prepared properly', function() {
var out = utils.prepareValue(void 0);
assert.strictEqual(out, null);
test('prepareValue: null prepared properly', function() {
var out = utils.prepareValue(null);
assert.strictEqual(out, null);
test('prepareValue: true prepared properly', function() {
var out = utils.prepareValue(true);
assert.strictEqual(out, 'true');
test('prepareValue: false prepared properly', function() {
var out = utils.prepareValue(false);
assert.strictEqual(out, 'false');
test('prepareValue: number prepared properly', function () {
var out = utils.prepareValue(3.042);
assert.strictEqual(out, '3.042');
test('prepareValue: string prepared properly', function() {
var out = utils.prepareValue('big bad wolf');
assert.strictEqual(out, 'big bad wolf');
test('prepareValue: simple array prepared properly', function() {
var out = utils.prepareValue([1, null, 3, undefined, [5, 6, "squ,awk"]]);
assert.strictEqual(out, '{"1",NULL,"3",NULL,{"5","6","squ,awk"}}');
test('prepareValue: complex array prepared properly', function() {
var out = utils.prepareValue([{ x: 42 }, { y: 84 }]);
assert.strictEqual(out, '{"{\\"x\\":42}","{\\"y\\":84}"}');
test('prepareValue: date array prepared properly', function() {
var date = new Date(2014, 1, 1, 11, 11, 1, 7);
var out = utils.prepareValue([date]);
assert.strictEqual(out, '{"2014-02-01T11:11:01.007+05:30"}');
test('prepareValue: arbitrary objects prepared properly', function() {
var out = utils.prepareValue({ x: 42 });
assert.strictEqual(out, '{"x":42}');
test('prepareValue: objects with simple toPostgres prepared properly', function() {
var customType = {
toPostgres: function() {
return "zomgcustom!";
var out = utils.prepareValue(customType);
assert.strictEqual(out, "zomgcustom!");
test('prepareValue: objects with complex toPostgres prepared properly', function() {
var buf = new Buffer("zomgcustom!");
var customType = {
toPostgres: function() {
return [1, 2];
var out = utils.prepareValue(customType);
assert.strictEqual(out, '{"1","2"}');
test('prepareValue: objects with toPostgres receive prepareValue', function() {
var customRange = {
lower: { toPostgres: function() { return 5; } },
upper: { toPostgres: function() { return 10; } },
toPostgres: function(prepare) {
return "[" + prepare(this.lower) + "," + prepare(this.upper) + "]";
var out = utils.prepareValue(customRange);
assert.strictEqual(out, "[5,10]");
test('prepareValue: objects with circular toPostgres rejected', function() {
var buf = new Buffer("zomgcustom!");
var customType = {
toPostgres: function() {
return { toPostgres: function () { return customType; } };
//can't use `assert.throws` since we need to distinguish circular reference
//errors from call stack exceeded errors
try {
} catch (e) {
assert.ok(e.message.match(/circular/), "Expected circular reference error but got " + e);
throw new Error("Expected prepareValue to throw exception");