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2014-10-20 16:56:45 -04:00
* grunt-contrib-bump
* http://gruntjs.com/
* Copyright (c) 2014 "Cowboy" Ben Alman, contributors
* Licensed under the MIT license.
'use strict';
var semver = require('semver');
var shell = require('shelljs');
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('bump', 'Bump the version property of a JSON file.', function() {
// Validate specified semver increment modes.
var valids = ['major', 'minor', 'patch', 'prerelease'];
var modes = [];
this.args.forEach(function(mode) {
var matches = [];
valids.forEach(function(valid) {
if (valid.indexOf(mode) === 0) { matches.push(valid); }
if (matches.length === 0) {
grunt.log.error('Error: mode "' + mode + '" does not match any known modes.');
} else if (matches.length > 1) {
grunt.log.error('Error: mode "' + mode + '" is ambiguous (possibly: ' + matches.join(', ') + ').');
} else {
if (this.errorCount === 0 && modes.length === 0) {
grunt.log.error('Error: no modes specified.');
if (this.errorCount > 0) {
grunt.log.error('Valid modes are: ' + valids.join(', ') + '.');
throw new Error('Use valid modes (or unambiguous mode abbreviations).');
// Options.
var options = this.options({
filepaths: ['package.json'],
syncVersions: false,
commit: true,
commitMessage: 'Bumping version to {%= version %}.',
tag: true,
tagName: 'v{%= version %}',
tagMessage: 'Version {%= version %}',
tagPrerelease: false,
// Normalize filepaths to array.
var filepaths = Array.isArray(options.filepaths) ? options.filepaths : [options.filepaths];
// Process JSON files, in-order.
var versions = {};
filepaths.forEach(function(filepath) {
var o = grunt.file.readJSON(filepath);
var origVersion = o.version;
// If syncVersions is enabled, only grab version from the first file,
// guaranteeing new versions will always be in sync.
var firstVersion = Object.keys(versions)[0];
if (options.syncVersions && firstVersion) {
o.version = firstVersion;
modes.forEach(function(mode) {
var orig = o.version;
var s = semver.parse(o.version);
o.version = String(s);
// Workaround for https://github.com/isaacs/node-semver/issues/50
if (/-/.test(orig) && mode === 'patch') {
o.version = o.version.replace(/\d+$/, function(n) { return n - 1; });
// If prerelease on an un-prerelease version, bump patch version first
if (!/-/.test(orig) && mode === 'prerelease') {
o.version = String(s);
if (versions[origVersion]) {
} else {
versions[origVersion] = {version: o.version, filepaths: [filepath]};
// Actually *do* something.
grunt.log.write('Bumping version in ' + filepath + ' from ' + origVersion + ' to ' + o.version + '...');
grunt.file.write(filepath, JSON.stringify(o, null, 2));
// Commit changed files?
if (options.commit) {
Object.keys(versions).forEach(function(origVersion) {
var o = versions[origVersion];
commit(o.filepaths, processTemplate(options.commitMessage, {
version: o.version,
origVersion: origVersion
// We're only going to create one tag. And it's going to be the new
// version of the first bumped file. Because, sanity.
var newVersion = versions[Object.keys(versions)[0]].version;
if (options.tag) {
if (options.tagPrerelease || modes.indexOf('prerelease') === -1) {
processTemplate(options.tagName, {version: newVersion}),
processTemplate(options.tagMessage, {version: newVersion})
} else {
grunt.log.writeln('Not tagging (prerelease version).');
if (this.errorCount > 0) {
grunt.warn('There were errors.');
// Using custom delimiters keeps templates from being auto-processed.
grunt.template.addDelimiters('bump', '{%', '%}');
function processTemplate(message, data) {
return grunt.template.process(message, {
delimiters: 'bump',
data: data,
// Kinda borrowed from https://github.com/geddski/grunt-release
function commit(filepaths, message) {
grunt.log.writeln('Committing ' + filepaths.join(', ') + ' with message: ' + message);
run("git commit -m '" + message + "' '" + filepaths.join("' '") + "'");
function tag(name, message) {
grunt.log.writeln('Tagging ' + name + ' with message: ' + message);
run("git tag '" + name + "' -m '" + message + "'");
function run(cmd) {
if (grunt.option('no-write')) {
grunt.verbose.writeln('Not actually running: ' + cmd);
} else {
grunt.verbose.writeln('Running: ' + cmd);
var result = shell.exec(cmd, {silent:true});
if (result.code !== 0) {
grunt.log.error('Error (' + result.code + ') ' + result.output);