/** * Extends kis-js to allow centering of absolutely-positioned containers */ $_.ext('center', function (sel){ sel = this.el; if (typeof sel === "undefined") return; var contHeight, contWidth, inH, inW, top, left; contHeight = sel.offsetHeight; contWidth = sel.offsetWidth; inH = window.innerHeight; inW = window.innerWidth; sel.style.position = "fixed"; top = (inH - contHeight) / 2; left = (inW - contWidth) / 2; sel.style.top = top + "px"; sel.style.left = left + "px"; }); (function(w, $_) { "use strict"; var TINY = w.TINY || {}; var $_ = w.$_ || {}; var parent_map = { "data":"section", "section":"category", "category":"genre", "genre":"genre" }; // ! Show/hide forms based on use $_("fieldset dl").dom.hide(); $_("fieldset legend").event.add('click', function(e){ ($_("fieldset dl").dom.css('display').trim() == 'none') ? $_("fieldset dl").dom.show() : $_("fieldset dl").dom.hide(); }); var meta = {}; w.meta = meta; /** * Create the WYSIWYG editor box */ meta.initTINY = function(id) { // WYSIWYG new TINY.editor.edit('edit_wysiwyg', { id:id, width:450, height:175, cssclass:'te', controlclass:'tecontrol', rowclass:'teheader', dividerclass:'tedivider', controls:['bold','italic','underline','strikethrough','|','subscript','superscript','|', 'orderedlist','unorderedlist','|','leftalign', 'centeralign','rightalign','blockjustify','|','unformat','n','undo','redo','|', 'image','hr','link','unlink','|'], footer:true, fonts:['Verdana','Arial','Georgia','Trebuchet MS'], xhtml:true, cssfile:ASSET_URL+'css.php/g/css', bodyid:'editor', footerclass:'tefooter', toggle:{text:'source',activetext:'wysiwyg',cssclass:'toggle'}, resize:{cssclass:'resize'} }); }, /** * Deletes a genre/category/section/data item * based on the current page context */ meta.delete_item = function(e) { var id, type, parent_id; // Get the type/id of the item id = this.parentNode.dataset['id']; type = this.parentNode.dataset.type; parent_id = this.parentNode.dataset.parent; // Confirm deletion var confirm_string = "Are you sure you want to delete this "+type+"? Deleting this item will delete all items under it. There is no undo."; var do_delete = confirm(confirm_string); var status = false; if (do_delete) { $_.post(APP_URL+'delete', {'id':id, 'type':type}, function(res){ if (res == 1) { // Redirect to previous page var redir_url = APP_URL+parent_map[type]+'/detail/'+parent_id; w.location = (type !== 'genre') ? redir_url : APP_URL; } else { $_.get(APP_URL+'message', { type: 'error', message: 'There was an error deleting that item' }, function(h) { $_('body').dom.prepend(h); }); } }); } }; /** * Gets the edit form and displays the overlay for the item * being edited */ meta.get_edit_form = function(e) { var id, type; id = this.parentNode.dataset['id']; type = this.parentNode.dataset.type; $_('#overlay_bg, #overlay').dom.show(); //Get the form for the current item $_.get(APP_URL+'edit', {'id':id, 'type':type}, function(res){ $_('#overlay').dom.html(res); // Center the form $_('#overlay').center(); if (type == 'data') { meta.initTINY('val'); //Do it again, so it's correct this time! $_('#overlay').center(); } }); }; /** * Submit the update form via javascript */ meta.update_item = function(e) { var id, type, name, val, txt, data={}; // Update textarea from WYSIWYG if (window.edit_wysiwyg) { window.edit_wysiwyg.toggle(); } // Get the form values data.id = $_.$('#id').value; data.type = $_.$('#type').value; data.name = $_.$('#name').value; txt = document.getElementById('val'); if (txt) { data.val = txt.value; } // Submit the form $_.post(APP_URL+'update', data, function(res) { // Hide the overlay and form $_('#overlay_bg').dom.css('display', ''); $_('#overlay').dom.html(''); $_('#overlay').dom.hide(); // Show the appropriate status message if (res == 1) { // Reload the page w.location = w.location; } else { $_.get(APP_URL+'message', { type: 'error', message: 'There was an error updating that item.' }, function(h) { $_('body').dom.prepend(h); }); } }); }; // ------------------------------------------------- // ! Event binding // ------------------------------------------------- // Delete Button functionality $_("button.delete").event.add('click', meta.delete_item); // Edit Button functionality $_("button.edit").event.add('click', meta.get_edit_form); // Overlay close $_("#overlay_bg").event.add('click', function(e) { $_('#overlay_bg').dom.css('display', 'none'); $_('#overlay').dom.html(''); $_('#overlay').dom.hide(); }); // Edit form submission $_.event.live('#edit_form', 'submit', meta.update_item); // WYSIWYG on section/data pages if (document.getElementsByTagName('textarea') != null) { meta.initTINY('val'); } }(window, $_));