data_model->get_genres(); $this->load_view('genres', $data); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Authenticate a user */ public function login() { $this->load_view('login'); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Logout */ public function logout() { } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Display an outline of the data for a table of contents */ public function outline() { $outline_data = $this->data_model->get_outline_data(); $this->load_view('outline', array('outline' => $outline_data)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get a message for ajax insertion */ public function message() { $type = strip_tags($_GET['type']); $message = $_GET['message']; $this->page->set_output( $this->page->set_message($type, $message, TRUE) ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function delete() { $type = strip_tags($_POST['type']); switch($type) { case "genre": case "category": case "section": case "data": $res = (int) $this->data_model->delete($type, (int) $_POST['id']); break; default: $res = 0; break; } die(trim($res)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function edit() { $type = strip_tags($_GET['type']); $id = (int) $_GET['id']; if ($this->data_model->is_valid_type($type)) { $data = call_user_func(array($this->data_model, "get_{$type}_by_id"), $id); $form_array = array( 'name' => is_array($data) ? $data['key'] : "", 'val' => is_array($data) ? $data['value'] : $data, 'type' => $type, 'id' => $id ); exit($this->load_view('edit_form', $form_array, TRUE)); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function update_item() { $id = (int) $_POST['id']; $type = strip_tags($_POST['type']); $name = strip_tags($_POST['name']); $val = (isset($_POST['val'])) ? $_POST['val'] : NULL; if ($this->data_model->is_valid_type($type)) { if ($type != 'data') { $res = $this->data_model->update($type, $id, $name); } else { $res = $this->data_model->update_data($id, $name, $val); } $res = (int) $res; exit(trim($res)); } exit(0); } } // End of welcome.php