// @todo Replace 'new Function' calls with non-evaling calls (function() { "use strict"; var TINY = {}; window.TINY = TINY; var T$ = function(i) { return document.getElementById(i); }; var T$$$ = function() { return (document.all && document.attachEvent) ? 1 : 0; }; TINY.editor = function () { var c = {}, offset = -30; c.cut = [1, 'Cut', 'a', 'cut', 1]; c.copy = [2, 'Copy', 'a', 'copy', 1]; c.paste = [3, 'Paste', 'a', 'paste', 1]; c.bold = [4, 'Bold', 'a', 'bold']; c.italic = [5, 'Italic', 'a', 'italic']; c.underline = [6, 'Underline', 'a', 'underline']; c.strikethrough = [7, 'Strikethrough', 'a', 'strikethrough']; c.subscript = [8, 'Subscript', 'a', 'subscript']; c.superscript = [9, 'Superscript', 'a', 'superscript']; c.orderedlist = [10, 'Insert Ordered List', 'a', 'insertorderedlist']; c.unorderedlist = [11, 'Insert Unordered List', 'a', 'insertunorderedlist']; c.outdent = [12, 'Outdent', 'a', 'outdent']; c.indent = [13, 'Indent', 'a', 'indent']; c.leftalign = [14, 'Left Align', 'a', 'justifyleft']; c.centeralign = [15, 'Center Align', 'a', 'justifycenter']; c.rightalign = [16, 'Right Align', 'a', 'justifyright']; c.blockjustify = [17, 'Block Justify', 'a', 'justifyfull']; c.undo = [18, 'Undo', 'a', 'undo']; c.redo = [19, 'Redo', 'a', 'redo']; c.image = [20, 'Insert Image', 'i', 'insertimage', 'Enter Image URL:', 'http://']; c.hr = [21, 'Insert Horizontal Rule', 'a', 'inserthorizontalrule']; c.link = [22, 'Insert Hyperlink', 'i', 'createlink', 'Enter URL:', 'http://']; c.unlink = [23, 'Remove Hyperlink', 'a', 'unlink']; c.unformat = [24, 'Remove Formatting', 'a', 'removeformat']; c.print = [25, 'Print', 'a', 'print']; function edit(n, obj) { var sel, x, sl; this.n = n; window[n] = this; this.t = T$(obj.id); this.obj = obj; this.xhtml = obj.xhtml; var p = document.createElement('div'), w = document.createElement('div'), h = document.createElement('div'), l = obj.controls.length, i = 0; this.i = document.createElement('iframe'); this.i.frameBorder = 0; this.i.width = obj.width || '500'; this.i.height = obj.height || '250'; this.ie = T$$$(); h.className = obj.rowclass || 'teheader'; p.className = obj.cssclass || 'te'; p.style.width = this.i.width + 'px'; p.appendChild(h); for (i; i < l; i++) { var id = obj.controls[i]; if (id == 'n') { h = document.createElement('div'); h.className = obj.rowclass || 'teheader'; p.appendChild(h); } else if (id == '|') { var d = document.createElement('div'); d.className = obj.dividerclass || 'tedivider'; h.appendChild(d); } else if (id == 'font') { sel = document.createElement('select'), fonts = obj.fonts || ['Verdana', 'Arial', 'Georgia'], fl = fonts.length, x = 0; sel.className = 'tefont'; sel.onchange = new Function(this.n + '.ddaction(this,"fontname")'); sel.options[0] = new Option('Font', ''); for (x; x < fl; x++) { var font = fonts[x]; sel.options[x + 1] = new Option(font, font); } h.appendChild(sel); } else if (id == 'size') { sel = document.createElement('select'), sizes = obj.sizes || [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], sl = sizes.length, x = 0; sel.className = 'tesize'; sel.onchange = new Function(this.n + '.ddaction(this,"fontsize")'); for (x; x < sl; x++) { var size = sizes[x]; sel.options[x] = new Option(size, size); } h.appendChild(sel); } else if (id == 'style') { sel = document.createElement('select'), styles = obj.styles || [ ['Style', ''], ['Paragraph', '

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