# The default make command DEFAULT = help # Use 'VERBOSE=1' to echo all commands, for example 'make help VERBOSE=1'. ifdef VERBOSE Q := else Q := @ endif all: $(DEFAULT) help: $(Q)echo "make run - Runs executable" $(Q)echo "make build - Builds main executable" $(Q)echo "make lib - Builds library" $(Q)echo "make test - Runs all tests" $(Q)echo "make bench - Benchmarks library internally and externally" $(Q)echo "make bench-internal - Benchmarks library internally" $(Q)echo "make bench-external - Benchmarks library externally" $(Q)echo "make doc - Builds documentation for library" $(Q)echo "make git-ignore - Setup files to be ignored by Git" $(Q)echo "make examples - Builds examples" $(Q)echo "make clean - Deletes binaries and documentation. .PHONY: build run test bench doc examples clean build: $(CARGO) build run: $(CARGO) run clean: $(CARGO) clean doc: $(CARGO) doc test: $(CARGO) test