84 lines
2.2 KiB

{% extends 'form.html.twig' %}
{% block form %}
<div class="callout">
<a href="{{ path('flash_index') }}">Back to the list</a>
<a href="{{ path('flash_edit', { 'id': flash.id }) }}">Edit</a>
<hr />
{{ form_start(delete_form) }}
<button type="submit" class="alert button">Delete Flash</button>
{{ form_end(delete_form) }}
<div class="large primary callout">
<td>{{ flash.id }}</td>
<td>{{ flash.brand }}</td>
<td>{{ flash.model }}</td>
<th>Is Auto Flash?</th>
<td>{% if flash.isAutoFlash %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}</td>
<th>Is TTL?</th>
<td>{% if flash.isTtl %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}</td>
<th>TTL Type</th>
<td>{{ flash.ttlType }}</td>
<th>Is P-TTL?</th>
<td>{% if flash.isPTtl %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}</td>
<th>P-TTL Type</th>
<td>{{ flash.pTtlType }}</td>
<th>Guide Number</th>
<td>{{ flash.guideNumber }}</td>
<th>Purchase Price</th>
<td>{{ flash.purchasePrice }}</td>
<td>{{ flash.batteries }}</td>
<td>{{ flash.notes }}</td>
<td>{{ flash.serial }}</td>
{% endblock %}