2015-04-29 17:03:15 -04:00

102 lines
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* Lexer configuration object
* @extends TyroConfig
#include "LangConfig.h"
#include <config/languages_json.h>
this->lang = "";
LangConfig::~LangConfig() {}
* Determine the format of the current file by
* matching its extension against the patterns
* in the configuration files
* @return string
string LangConfig::GetLangByFile(wxFileName &fileName)
JsonValue langList = this->GetRoot();
JsonValue::iterator it;
wxString curr_file = fileName.GetFullName();
// Loop through each language to find a matching file pattern
for (it = langList.begin(); it != langList.end(); ++it)
string lang = it.key().asString();
// Parse the file pattern
wxString file_pattern((*it)["file_pattern"].asString());
while ( ! file_pattern.empty())
wxString cur = file_pattern.BeforeFirst(';');
if (
(cur == curr_file) ||
(cur == (curr_file.BeforeLast('.') + ".*")) ||
(cur == ("*." + curr_file.AfterLast('.')))
return this->lang;
// Go to the next pattern for this language
file_pattern = file_pattern.AfterFirst(';');
return this->lang;
* Get the list of keywords for the selected language
* @param string lang
* @return JsonValue
JsonValue LangConfig::GetKeywordList(string lang)
if (lang == "none") lang = this->lang;
return this->GetRoot()
.get(lang, JsonValue())
.get("keywords", JsonValue());
* Get the lexer theme map for the current language
* @param string lang
* @return JsonValue
JsonValue LangConfig::GetLexerMap(string lang)
if (lang == "none") lang = this->lang;
return this->GetRoot()
.get(lang, JsonValue())
.get("lexer_map", JsonValue());
void LangConfig::SetLang(string lang)
this->lang = lang;
string LangConfig::GetLang()
return this->lang;