#include "EditPane.h" BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(EditPane, wxStyledTextCtrl) // common /*EVT_SIZE (Edit::OnSize) // edit EVT_MENU (wxID_CLEAR, Edit::OnEditClear) EVT_MENU (wxID_CUT, Edit::OnEditCut) EVT_MENU (wxID_COPY, Edit::OnEditCopy) EVT_MENU (wxID_PASTE, Edit::OnEditPaste) EVT_MENU (myID_INDENTINC, Edit::OnEditIndentInc) EVT_MENU (myID_INDENTRED, Edit::OnEditIndentRed) EVT_MENU (wxID_SELECTALL, Edit::OnEditSelectAll) EVT_MENU (myID_SELECTLINE, Edit::OnEditSelectLine) EVT_MENU (wxID_REDO, Edit::OnEditRedo) EVT_MENU (wxID_UNDO, Edit::OnEditUndo)*/ END_EVENT_TABLE() EditPane::EditPane( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size, long style ) : wxStyledTextCtrl (parent, id, pos, size, style) { } EditPane::~EditPane() {} void EditPane::OnMenuFileOpen(wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { wxFileDialog *OpenDialog = new wxFileDialog(this, _T("Choose a file"), _(""), _(""), _("*.*"), wxFD_OPEN); if (OpenDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { // Load the file into a new notebook tab and styled text control } OpenDialog->Close(); } void EditPane::OnMenuFileSave(wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { }