/** * Miscellaneous Program-specific definitions */ #pragma once // Application config const wxString APP_NAME = "Tyro"; const wxString APP_VENDOR = "Aviat Ion"; const wxString APP_VERSION = "0.10.0"; const wxString APP_VERSION_MORE = "Pre-release"; // Command-line arguments #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers" #endif const wxCmdLineEntryDesc Glob_cmdLineDesc[] = { { wxCMD_LINE_PARAM, nullptr, nullptr, "input file(s)", wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING, wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL | wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_MULTIPLE }, {wxCMD_LINE_NONE} }; #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif // Some boilerplate text const wxString TYRO_SAVE_ERROR = "Failed to save the file. Maybe you lack the permissions."; const wxString TYRO_SAVE_ERROR_CAPTION = "Saving Failed"; const wxString TYRO_OPEN_ERROR = "Failed to open the file. Check that it exists, and that you have read permissions."; const wxString TYRO_OPEN_ERROR_CAPTION = "Open Failed"; // Font defaults const int TYRO_DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY = (int) wxFONTFAMILY_MODERN; #ifdef __WXMAC__ const int TYRO_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 14; #else const int TYRO_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 10; #endif // Editor margins enum myMargins { MARGIN_FOLD, MARGIN_LINE_NUMBERS }; // Status bar sections enum myStatusBarSections { STATUS_MESSAGES, STATUS_CURSOR_LOCATION, STATUS_CURRENT_LANGUAGE }; // Top level menus enum myMenuIds { myFILE_MENU, myEDIT_MENU, myVIEW_MENU, myLANG_MENU, myHELP_MENU }; // General Menu ids enum myMenuItemIds { // Menu options for sidebar myID_OPEN_DIR = wxID_HIGHEST + 1, // Menu options for immediate file myID_VIEW_WHITESPACE, myID_VIEW_LINE_ENDINGS, myID_CLOSE_ALL, myID_CLOSE_ALL_BUT_THIS, myID_LINE_WRAP, // Preferences, to apply to all files myID_PREFS_LINE_NUMBERS, myID_PREFS_CODE_FOLDING, myID_PREFS_IDENT_GUIDES, myID_PREFS_FONT }; const wxString TYRO_FILE_OPEN_WILDCARDS = "All files (*.*)|*|" "Batch (*.bat, *.cmd, *.nt)|*.bat;*.cmd,*.nt|" "Caml (*.ml,*.mli,*.sml,*.thy)|*.ml;*.mli;*.sml;*.thy|" "Cmake (*.cmake) |*.cmake|" "C/C++ (*.c,*.cpp,*.h)|*.c;*.cc;*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cs;*.h;*.hh;*.hpp;*.hxx;*.sma;*.cp|" "Coffeescript (*.coffee)|*.coffee;*.litcoffee|" "CSS (*.css)|*.css|" "Fortran (*.f9*, *.f, *.for)|*.f9*;*.f,*.for|" "Haskell (*.hs,*.lhs,*.las)|*.hs;*.lhs;*.las|" "HTML/XHTML (*.html, *.htm)|*.htm*|" "Java (*.java)|*.java|" "JavaScript (*.js,*.json,*.ts)|*.js;*.json;*.ts|" "Lisp (*.lsp,*.lisp)|*.lsp;*.lisp|" "Lua (*.lua)|*.lua|" "Makefile |Makefile;makefile.*;MAKEFILE;configure.*;*.mak|" "Markdown (*.md,*.markdown)|*.md;*.markdown|" "Perl (*.pl, *.cgi)|*.pl;*.pm;*.cgi;*.pod|" "PHP (*.php)|*.php|" "Python (*.py,*.pyw)|*.py;*.pyw|" "Ruby (*.rb)|*.rb|" "Rust (*.rs)|*.rs|" "Scheme (*.scm)|*.scm" "Shell (*.sh, *.bsh)|*.sh;*.bsh|" "SQL (*.sql)|*.sql|" "Text (*.txt)|*.txt|" "Yaml (.yml,*.yaml)| *.yml;*.yaml"; const wxString TYRO_FILE_SAVE_WILDCARDS = "All files (*.*)|*|" "Batch (*.bat, *.cmd, *.nt)|*.bat;*.cmd,*.nt|" "Caml (*.ml,*.mli,*.sml,*.thy)|*.ml;*.mli;*.sml;*.thy|" "Cmake (*.cmake) |*.cmake|" "C/C++ (*.c,*.cpp,*.h)|*.c;*.cc;*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cs;*.h;*.hh;*.hpp;*.hxx;*.sma;*.cp|" "Coffeescript (*.coffee)|*.coffee;*.litcoffee|" "CSS (*.css)|*.css|" "Fortran (*.f9*, *.f, *.for)|*.f9*;*.f,*.for|" "Haskell (*.hs,*.lhs,*.las)|*.hs;*.lhs;*.las|" "HTML/XHTML (*.html, *.htm)|*.htm*|" "Java (*.java)|*.java|" "JavaScript (*.js,*.json,*.ts)|*.js;*.json;*.ts|" "Lisp (*.lsp,*.lisp)|*.lsp;*.lisp|" "Lua (*.lua)|*.lua|" "Makefile |Makefile;makefile.*;MAKEFILE;configure.*;*.mak|" "Markdown (*.md,*.markdown)|*.md;*.markdown|" "Perl (*.pl, *.cgi)|*.pl;*.pm;*.cgi;*.pod|" "PHP (*.php)|*.php|" "Python (*.py,*.pyw)|*.py;*.pyw|" "Ruby (*.rb)|*.rb|" "Rust (*.rs)|*.rs|" "Scheme (*.scm)|*.scm|" "Shell (*.sh, *.bsh)|*.sh;*.bsh|" "SQL (*.sql)|*.sql|" "Text (*.txt)|*.txt|" "Yaml (.yml,*.yaml)| *.yml;*.yaml";