#include "EditPane.h" EditPane::EditPane( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size, long style ) : wxStyledTextCtrl (parent, id, pos, size, style) { #include "../../config/languages_json.h" lang_config = new TyroConfig(); lang_config->LoadJson(languages_json); #include "../../config/themes_json.h" theme_config = new TyroConfig(); theme_config->LoadJson(themes_json); lexerMap["batch"] = wxSTC_LEX_BATCH; lexerMap["caml"] = wxSTC_LEX_CAML; lexerMap["cmake"] = wxSTC_LEX_CMAKE; lexerMap["cobol"] = wxSTC_LEX_COBOL; lexerMap["coffeescript"] = wxSTC_LEX_CPP; lexerMap["cpp"] = wxSTC_LEX_CPP; lexerMap["css"] = wxSTC_LEX_CSS; lexerMap["js"] = wxSTC_LEX_CPP; lexerMap["html"] = wxSTC_LEX_HTML; lexerMap["makefile"] = wxSTC_LEX_MAKEFILE; lexerMap["php"] = wxSTC_LEX_PHPSCRIPT; lexerMap["perl"] = wxSTC_LEX_PERL; lexerMap["python"] = wxSTC_LEX_PYTHON; lexerMap["shell"] = wxSTC_LEX_BASH; this->BindEvents(); } EditPane::~EditPane() { delete lang_config; delete theme_config; } /** * Handle the highlighting config for the * selected file * * @param wxString filePath * @return void */ void EditPane::Highlight(wxString filePath) { this->fileName.Assign(filePath); wxLogDebug("Highlighting method"); // Get the configuration name for the selected language string lang = this->GetLangByFile(); this->StyleClearAll(); // Font setup #ifdef __WXMAC__ wxFont *defaultFont = wxFont::New( 14, wxFONTFAMILY_MODERN, wxFONTFLAG_ANTIALIASED ); #else wxFont *defaultFont = wxFont::New( 12, wxFONTFAMILY_MODERN, wxFONTFLAG_ANTIALIASED ); #endif if (lexerMap.count(lang) > 0) { this->SetLexer(lexerMap[lang]); } else { this->SetLexer(wxSTC_LEX_NULL); } // Some basic properties to set this->SetProperty("technology", "2"); this->SetProperty("error.inline", "0"); this->SetProperty("font.quality", "3"); // LCD Optimized // Get the list of keywords for the current language JsonValue keywords_array = this->GetKeywordList(lang); // Make sure every background is the same color! for(int i = 0; i <= wxSTC_STYLE_MAX; i++) { this->StyleSetBackground(i, wxColor(253, 246, 227)); this->StyleSetFont(i, *defaultFont); } this->StyleSetForeground (wxSTC_STYLE_DEFAULT, wxColor(101, 123, 131)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_STYLE_INDENTGUIDE, wxColor(147, 161, 161)); this->SetMarginWidth (MARGIN_LINE_NUMBERS, TextWidth(wxSTC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, _T("_9999"))); this->StyleSetForeground (wxSTC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, wxColor(147, 161, 161)); this->StyleSetBackground (wxSTC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, wxColor(238, 232, 213)); this->SetMarginType (MARGIN_LINE_NUMBERS, wxSTC_MARGIN_NUMBER); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_DEFAULT, wxColor(101, 123, 131)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_OPERATOR, wxColor(101, 123, 131)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_HASHQUOTEDSTRING, wxColor(181, 137, 0)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_STRING, wxColor(108, 113, 196)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_PREPROCESSOR, wxColor(181, 137, 0)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_PREPROCESSORCOMMENT, wxColor(181, 137, 0)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_IDENTIFIER, wxColor(38, 139, 210)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_NUMBER, wxColor(211, 54, 130)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_CHARACTER, wxColor(108, 113, 196)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_WORD2, wxColor(203, 75, 22)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_WORD, wxColor(220, 50, 47)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_COMMENT, wxColor(147, 161, 161)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_COMMENTLINE, wxColor(147, 161, 161)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_COMMENTLINEDOC, wxColor(147, 161, 161)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_COMMENTDOC, wxColor(147, 161, 161)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD, wxColor(131, 148, 150)); this->StyleSetForeground(wxSTC_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR, wxColor(101, 123, 131)); this->StyleSetBold(wxSTC_C_WORD, false); this->StyleSetBold(wxSTC_C_WORD2, true); this->StyleSetBold(wxSTC_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD, true); this->StyleSetBold(wxSTC_C_OPERATOR, true); // Set up Code folding this->SetProperty(wxT("fold"), wxT("1")); this->SetProperty(wxT("fold.comment"), wxT("1")); this->SetProperty(wxT("fold.compact"), wxT("1")); this->SetProperty(wxT("fold.html"), wxT("1")); this->SetFoldFlags(wxSTC_FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_CONTRACTED | wxSTC_FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_CONTRACTED); this->SetMarginType(MARGIN_FOLD, wxSTC_MARGIN_SYMBOL); this->SetMarginWidth(MARGIN_FOLD, 16); this->SetMarginSensitive(MARGIN_FOLD, true); this->SetMarginMask(MARGIN_FOLD, wxSTC_MASK_FOLDERS); this->MarkerDefine (wxSTC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, wxSTC_MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED, _T("WHITE"), _T("BLACK")); this->MarkerDefine (wxSTC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, wxSTC_MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED, _T("WHITE"), _T("BLACK")); this->MarkerDefine (wxSTC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, wxSTC_MARK_VLINE, _T("BLACK"), _T("BLACK")); this->MarkerDefine (wxSTC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, wxSTC_MARK_CIRCLEPLUSCONNECTED, _T("WHITE"), _T("BLACK")); this->MarkerDefine (wxSTC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, wxSTC_MARK_CIRCLEMINUSCONNECTED, _T("WHITE"), _T("BLACK")); this->MarkerDefine (wxSTC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, wxSTC_MARK_TCORNER, _T("BLACK"), _T("BLACK")); this->MarkerDefine (wxSTC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, wxSTC_MARK_LCORNER, _T("BLACK"), _T("BLACK")); this->SetLayoutCache (wxSTC_CACHE_NONE); this->SetUseHorizontalScrollBar(1); // set spaces and indention this->SetTabWidth(4); this->SetUseTabs(true); this->SetTabIndents(true); this->SetBackSpaceUnIndents(true); if (keywords_array.isArray()) { for(int i = 0; i < keywords_array.size(); i++) { this->SetKeyWords(i, keywords_array[i].asString()); } } else { string typeMap[] = {"null", "int", "unsigned int", "double", "string", "boolean", "array", "object"}; stringstream output; output << "current lang is:" << lang << endl; output << "keywords array is not an array" << endl; output << "keyword array is a " << typeMap[keywords_array.type()] << endl; wxLogDebug(output.str().c_str()); } } /** * Check file path and open the selected file * * @param wxString filePath * @return bool */ bool EditPane::Load(wxString filePath) { this->fileName.Assign(filePath); if (this->FileReadable()) { this->Highlight(filePath); bool didLoad = this->LoadFile(filePath); // @TODO Toggle controls based on write permission return didLoad; } return false; } /** * Determine the format of the current file by * matching its extension against the patterns * in the configuration files * * @return string */ string EditPane::GetLangByFile() { JsonValue langList = lang_config->GetRoot(); JsonValue::iterator it; wxString curr_file = this->fileName.GetFullName(); // Loop through each language to find a matching file pattern for (it = langList.begin(); it != langList.end(); ++it) { string lang = it.key().asString(); // Parse the file pattern wxString file_pattern((*it)["file_pattern"].asString()); file_pattern.Lower(); while ( ! file_pattern.empty()) { wxString cur = file_pattern.BeforeFirst(';'); if ( (cur == curr_file) || (cur == (curr_file.BeforeLast('.') + _T(".*"))) || (cur == (_T("*.") + curr_file.AfterLast('.'))) ) { return lang; } file_pattern = file_pattern.AfterFirst(';'); } } return ""; } bool EditPane::SaveFile() { wxString fname; if ( ! this->fileName.IsOk()) { wxFileDialog dlg ( this, _T("Save file"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, TYRO_FILE_SAVE_WILDCARDS, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT ); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return false; fname = dlg.GetPath(); } else { fname = this->fileName.GetFullPath(); } const wxString cfname(fname); return this->SaveFile(cfname); } bool EditPane::SaveFile(const wxString &filename) { if ( ! this->IsModified()) return true; this->fileName.Assign(filename); // Check file permissions if (this->FileWritable()) { this->SetSavePoint(); return wxStyledTextCtrl::SaveFile(filename); } return false; } bool EditPane::IsModified() { return this->GetModify(); } /** * Check that the current file can be opened * * @return bool */ bool EditPane::FileReadable() { if ( this->fileName.IsOk() && this->fileName.Exists() && this->fileName.IsFileReadable() ) return true; // Hmm...well, let's give an error wxMessageDialog errDlg( this, TYRO_OPEN_ERROR, TYRO_OPEN_ERROR_CAPTION, wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER ); errDlg.ShowModal(); return false; } /** * Check that the current file can be saved * * @return bool */ bool EditPane::FileWritable() { // Lets see...can we write somewhere? if ( this->fileName.IsOk() && ((this->fileName.Exists() && this->fileName.IsFileWritable()) || (( ! this->fileName.Exists()) && this->fileName.IsDirWritable())) ) return true; // Hmm...well, let's give an error wxMessageDialog errDlg( this, TYRO_SAVE_ERROR, TYRO_SAVE_ERROR_CAPTION, wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER ); errDlg.ShowModal(); return false; } void EditPane::BindEvents() { Bind(wxEVT_STC_MARGINCLICK, &EditPane::OnMarginClick, this, wxID_ANY); } void EditPane::OnMarginClick(wxStyledTextEvent& event) { if (event.GetMargin() == MARGIN_FOLD) { int lineClick = this->LineFromPosition (event.GetPosition()); int levelClick = this->GetFoldLevel (lineClick); if ((levelClick & wxSTC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG) > 0) { this->ToggleFold (lineClick); } } } JsonValue EditPane::GetKeywordList(string lang) { return lang_config->GetRoot() .get(lang, JsonValue()) .get("keywords", JsonValue()); }