const AnimeClient = (function($, w) { 'use strict'; return { /** * Scroll to the top of the Page * * @return {void} */ scrollToTop() { w.scroll(0,0); }, /** * Display a message box * * @param {String} type - message type: info, error, success * @param {String} message - the message itself * @return {void} */ showMessage(type, message) { let template = `
`; if ($(".message").length > 0) { $(".message").replaceWith(template); $(".message").show(); } else { $("header").append(template); } }, /** * Generate a full url from a relative path * * @param {String} path - url path * @return {String} - full url */ url(path) { let uri = `//${}`; uri += (path.charAt(0) === '/') ? path : `/${path}`; return uri; }, /** * Throttle execution of a function * * @see * @see * @param {Number} interval - the minimum throttle time in ms * @param {Function} fn - the function to throttle * @param {Object} scope - the 'this' object for the function * @return {void} */ throttle(interval, fn, scope) { var wait = false; return function () { var context = scope || this; var args = arguments; if ( ! wait) { fn.apply(context, args); wait = true; setTimeout(function() { wait = false; }, interval); } }; }, }; })(Zepto, window);