* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @version 5.2 * @link https://git.timshome.page/timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient */ namespace Aviat\AnimeClient; use Amp\Http\Client\{HttpClient, HttpClientBuilder, Request, Response}; use Aviat\Ion\{ConfigInterface, ImageBuilder}; use DateTimeImmutable; use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface; use Throwable; use Yosymfony\Toml\{Toml, TomlBuilder}; use function Amp\Promise\wait; use function Aviat\Ion\_dir; const SECONDS_IN_MINUTE = 60; const MINUTES_IN_HOUR = 60; const MINUTES_IN_DAY = 1440; const MINUTES_IN_YEAR = 525_600; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! TOML Functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Load configuration options from .toml files * * @param string $path - Path to load config */ function loadConfig(string $path): array { $output = []; $files = glob("{$path}/*.toml"); if ( ! is_array($files)) { return []; } foreach ($files as $file) { $key = str_replace('.toml', '', basename($file)); if ($key === 'admin-override') { continue; } $config = Toml::parseFile($file); if ($key === 'config') { foreach ($config as $name => $value) { $output[$name] = $value; } continue; } $output[$key] = $config; } return $output; } /** * Load config from one specific TOML file */ function loadTomlFile(string $filename): array { return Toml::parseFile($filename); } function _iterateToml(TomlBuilder $builder, iterable $data, mixed $parentKey = NULL): void { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { // Skip unsupported empty value if ($value === NULL) { continue; } if (is_scalar($value) || isSequentialArray($value)) { $builder->addValue($key, $value); continue; } $newKey = ($parentKey !== NULL) ? "{$parentKey}.{$key}" : $key; $builder->addTable($newKey); _iterateToml($builder, $value, $newKey); } } /** * Serialize config data into a Toml file */ function arrayToToml(iterable $data): string { $builder = new TomlBuilder(); _iterateToml($builder, $data); return $builder->getTomlString(); } /** * Serialize toml back to an array */ function tomlToArray(string $toml): array { return Toml::parse($toml); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Misc Functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Is the array sequential, not associative? */ function isSequentialArray(mixed $array): bool { return is_array($array) && array_is_list($array); } /** * Check that folder permissions are correct for proper operation */ function checkFolderPermissions(ConfigInterface $config): array { $errors = []; $publicDir = $config->get('asset_dir'); $APP_DIR = _dir($config->get('root'), 'app'); $pathMap = [ 'app/config' => "{$APP_DIR}/config", 'app/logs' => "{$APP_DIR}/logs", 'public/images/anime' => "{$publicDir}/images/anime", ]; foreach ($pathMap as $pretty => $actual) { // Make sure the folder exists first if ( ! is_dir($actual)) { $errors['missing'][] = $pretty; continue; } $writable = is_writable($actual) && is_executable($actual); if ( ! $writable) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $errors['writable'][] = $pretty; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } return $errors; } /** * Get an API Client, with better defaults */ function getApiClient(): HttpClient { static $client; if ($client === NULL) { $client = HttpClientBuilder::buildDefault(); } return $client; } /** * Simplify making a request with Http\Client * * @throws Throwable */ function getResponse(Request|string $request): Response { $client = getApiClient(); if (is_string($request)) { $request = new Request($request); } return wait($client->request($request)); } /** * Generate the path for the cached image from the original image */ function getLocalImg(string $kitsuUrl, bool $webp = TRUE): string { if (empty($kitsuUrl) || ( ! is_string($kitsuUrl))) { return 'images/placeholder.webp'; } $parts = parse_url($kitsuUrl); if ($parts === FALSE || ! array_key_exists('path', $parts)) { return 'images/placeholder.webp'; } $file = basename($parts['path']); $fileParts = explode('.', $file); $ext = array_pop($fileParts); $ext = $webp ? 'webp' : $ext; $segments = explode('/', trim($parts['path'], '/')); $type = $segments[0] === 'users' ? $segments[1] : $segments[0]; $id = $segments[count($segments) - 2]; return implode('/', ['images', $type, "{$id}.{$ext}"]); } /** * Create a transparent placeholder image */ function createPlaceholderImage(string $path, int $width = 200, int $height = 200, string $text = 'Image Unavailable'): bool { $img = ImageBuilder::new($width, $height) ->enableAlphaBlending(TRUE) ->addBackgroundColor(255, 255, 255) ->addCenteredText($text, 64, 64, 64); $path = rtrim($path, '/'); $savedPng = $img->savePng($path . '/placeholder.png'); $savedWebp = $img->saveWebp($path . '/placeholder.webp'); $img->cleanup(); return $savedPng && $savedWebp; } /** * Check that there is a value for at least one item in a collection with the specified key */ function colNotEmpty(array $search, string $key): bool { $items = array_filter(array_column($search, $key), static fn ($x) => ( ! empty($x))); return $items !== []; } /** * Clear the cache, but save user auth data */ function clearCache(CacheInterface $cache): bool { // Save the user data, if it exists, for priming the cache $userData = $cache->getMultiple([ Kitsu::AUTH_USER_ID_KEY, Kitsu::AUTH_TOKEN_CACHE_KEY, Kitsu::AUTH_TOKEN_EXP_CACHE_KEY, Kitsu::AUTH_TOKEN_REFRESH_CACHE_KEY, ]); $userData = array_filter((array) $userData, static fn ($value) => $value !== NULL); $cleared = $cache->clear(); $saved = empty($userData) || $cache->setMultiple($userData); return $cleared && $saved; } /** * Render a PHP code template as a string */ function renderTemplate(string $path, array $data): string { ob_start(); extract($data, EXTR_OVERWRITE); include $path; $rawOutput = ob_get_clean(); return (is_string($rawOutput)) ? $rawOutput : ''; } function formatDate(string $date): string { $date = new DateTimeImmutable($date); return $date->format('F d, Y'); } function getDateDiff(string $date): int { $now = new DateTimeImmutable(); $then = new DateTimeImmutable($date); $interval = $now->diff($then, TRUE); $years = $interval->y * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE * MINUTES_IN_YEAR; $days = $interval->d * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE * MINUTES_IN_DAY; $hours = $interval->h * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE * MINUTES_IN_HOUR; $minutes = $interval->i * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; $seconds = $interval->s; return $years + $days + $hours + $minutes + $seconds; } /** * Convert a time in seconds to a more human-readable format */ function friendlyTime(int $seconds, string $minUnit = 'second'): string { // All the seconds left $remSeconds = $seconds % SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; $minutes = ($seconds - $remSeconds) / SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; // Minutes short of a year $years = (int) floor($minutes / MINUTES_IN_YEAR); $minutes %= MINUTES_IN_YEAR; // Minutes short of a day $extraMinutes = $minutes % MINUTES_IN_DAY; $days = ($minutes - $extraMinutes) / MINUTES_IN_DAY; // Minutes short of an hour $remMinutes = $extraMinutes % MINUTES_IN_HOUR; $hours = ($extraMinutes - $remMinutes) / MINUTES_IN_HOUR; $parts = []; foreach ([ 'year' => $years, 'day' => $days, 'hour' => $hours, 'minute' => $remMinutes, 'second' => $remSeconds, ] as $label => $value) { if ($value === 0) { continue; } if ($value > 1) { $label .= 's'; } $parts[] = "{$value} {$label}"; if ($label === $minUnit || $label === $minUnit . 's') { break; } } $last = array_pop($parts); if (empty($parts)) { return $last ?? ''; } return (count($parts) > 1) ? implode(', ', $parts) . ", and {$last}" : "{$parts[0]}, {$last}"; }