/** * Javascript for editing anime, if logged in */ ((_) => { 'use strict'; // Action to increment episode count _.on('body.anime.list', 'click', '.plus_one', function(e) { let this_sel = this; let parent_sel = _.closestParent(this, 'article'); let watched_count = parseInt(_.$('.completed_number', parent_sel)[0].textContent, 10); let total_count = parseInt(_.$('.total_number', parent_sel)[0].textContent, 10); let title = _.$('.name a', parent_sel)[0].textContent; // Setup the update data let data = { id: parent_sel.id, increment_episodes: true }; // If the episode count is 0, and incremented, // change status to currently watching if (isNaN(watched_count) || watched_count === 0) { data.status = 'currently-watching'; } // If you increment at the last episode, mark as completed if (( ! isNaN(watched_count)) && (watched_count + 1) === total_count) { delete data.increment_episodes; data.status = 'completed'; } // okay, lets actually make some changes! _.ajax(_.url('/anime/update'), { data: data, dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', mimeType: 'application/json', success: (res) => { if (res.status === 'completed') { this.parentElement.addAttribute('hidden', 'hidden'); } _.showMessage('success', `Sucessfully updated ${title}`); _.$('.completed_number', parent_sel)[0].textContent = ++watched_count; _.scrollToTop(); }, error: (xhr, errorType, error) => { console.error(error); _.showMessage('error', `Failed to updated ${title}. `); _.scrollToTop(); } }); }); })(AnimeClient);