<?php declare(strict_types=1);
 * Hummingbird Anime List Client
 * An API client for Kitsu to manage anime and manga watch lists
 * PHP version 8
 * @package     HummingbirdAnimeClient
 * @author      Timothy J. Warren <tim@timshome.page>
 * @copyright   2015 - 2022  Timothy J. Warren
 * @license     http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
 * @version     5.2
 * @link        https://git.timshomepage.net/timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient

namespace Aviat\Ion\Tests\Di;

use Aviat\Ion\Di\ContainerInterface;
use Aviat\Ion\Di\Exception\{ContainerException, NotFoundException};
use Aviat\Ion\Di\{Container, ContainerAware};
use Aviat\Ion\Tests\IonTestCase;
use Monolog\Handler\{NullHandler, TestHandler};
use Monolog\Logger;
use Throwable;
use TypeError;

 * @internal
final class FooTest
	public $item;

	public function __construct($item)
		$this->item = $item;

class FooTest2
	use ContainerAware;

 * @internal
final class ContainerTest extends IonTestCase
	protected function setUp(): void
		$this->container = new Container();

	public function dataGetWithException(): array
		return [
			'Bad index type: number' => [
				'id' => 42,
				'exception' => TypeError::class,
			'Bad index type: array' => [
				'id' => [],
				'exception' => TypeError::class,
			'Non-existent id' => [
				'id' => 'foo',
				'exception' => NotFoundException::class,
				'message' => "Item 'foo' does not exist in container.",

	 * @dataProvider dataGetWithException
	 * @param mixed $exception
	public function testGetWithException(mixed $id, $exception, ?string $message = NULL): void
		catch (ContainerException $e)
			$this->assertInstanceOf($exception, $e);
			$this->assertSame($message, $e->getMessage());
		catch (Throwable $e)
			$this->assertInstanceOf($exception, $e);

	 * @dataProvider dataGetWithException
	 * @param mixed $exception
	public function testGetNewWithException(mixed $id, $exception, ?string $message = NULL): void
		if ($message !== NULL)


	public function dataSetInstanceWithException(): array
		return [
			'Non-existent id' => [
				'id' => 'foo',
				'exception' => NotFoundException::class,
				'message' => "Factory 'foo' does not exist in container. Set that first.",
			'Non-existent id 2' => [
				'id' => 'foobarbaz',
				'exception' => NotFoundException::class,
				'message' => "Factory 'foobarbaz' does not exist in container. Set that first.",

	 * @dataProvider dataSetInstanceWithException
	 * @param mixed $id
	 * @param mixed $exception
	 * @param mixed $message
	public function testSetInstanceWithException($id, $exception, $message): void
			$this->container->setInstance($id, NULL);
		catch (ContainerException $e)
			$this->assertInstanceOf($exception, $e);
			$this->assertSame($message, $e->getMessage());

	public function testGetNew(): void
		$this->container->set('footest', static fn ($item) => new FooTest($item));

		// Check that the item is the container, if called without arguments
		$footest1 = $this->container->getNew('footest');
		$this->assertInstanceOf(ContainerInterface::class, $footest1->item);

		$footest2 = $this->container->getNew('footest', ['Test String']);
		$this->assertSame('Test String', $footest2->item);

	public function testSetContainerInInstance(): void
		$this->container->set('footest2', static fn () => new FooTest2());

		$footest2 = $this->container->get('footest2');
		$this->assertSame($this->container, $footest2->getContainer());

	public function testGetNewReturnCallable(): void
		$this->container->set('footest', static fn ($item) => static fn () => $item);

		// Check that the item is the container, if called without arguments
		$footest1 = $this->container->getNew('footest');
		$this->assertInstanceOf(ContainerInterface::class, $footest1());

		$footest2 = $this->container->getNew('footest', ['Test String']);
		$this->assertSame('Test String', $footest2());

	public function testGetSet(): void
		$container = $this->container->set('foo', static function () {
			return static function () {};

		$this->assertInstanceOf(Container::class, $container);
		$this->assertInstanceOf(ContainerInterface::class, $container);

		// The factory returns a callable

	public function testLoggerMethods(): void
		// Does the container have the default logger?

		$logger1 = new Logger('default');
		$logger2 = new Logger('testing');
		$logger1->pushHandler(new NullHandler());
		$logger2->pushHandler(new TestHandler());

		// Set the logger channels
		$container = $this->container->setLogger($logger1);
		$container2 = $this->container->setLogger($logger2, 'test');

		$this->assertInstanceOf(ContainerInterface::class, $container);
		$this->assertInstanceOf(Container::class, $container2);

		$this->assertSame($logger1, $this->container->getLogger('default'));
		$this->assertSame($logger2, $this->container->getLogger('test'));
