main)) { $json->main = [$json->main]; } foreach($json->main as $file) { if (stristr($file, '.js') !== FALSE) { array_push($bower_file_map[$package], "bower_components/{$package}/{$file}"); } } } /** * Merge together bower configs and local files * * @param string|array $bower - array of bower components to include * @param string|array $local - array of local js files to include * @return array - group array */ function create_group($bower, $local=[]) { global $bower_file_map; $group = []; foreach((array) $bower as $component) { $group = array_merge($group, $bower_file_map[$component]); } foreach((array) $local as $file) { $group[] = $file; } return $group; } /** * This is the config array for javascript files to concatenate and minify */ $map = [ /* For each group create an array like so 'my_group' => array( 'path/to/js/file1.js', 'path/to/js/file2.js' ), */ 'base' => create_group('jquery', [ 'js/base.js', ]), 'event' => create_group([], 'js/events.js'), 'table' => create_group([], 'js/sort_tables.js'), 'table_edit' => create_group([], [ 'js/sort_tables.js', 'js/anime_edit.js', 'js/manga_edit.js', ]), 'edit' => create_group([],[ 'js/anime_edit.js', 'js/manga_edit.js' ]), 'anime_collection' => create_group('mustache.js', [ 'bower_components/jquery-throttle-debounce/', 'js/anime_collection.js' ]), 'manga_collection' => create_group('mustache.js', [ 'bower_components/jquery-throttle-debounce/', 'js/manga_collection.js' ]), ]; //print_r($map); //die(); return $map; // End of js_groups.php