 * Anime Collection DB Model

namespace AnimeClient;

 * Model for getting anime collection data
class AnimeCollectionModel extends BaseDBModel {

	 * Anime API Model
	 * @var object $anime_model
	private $anime_model;

	 * Whether the database is valid for querying
	 * @var bool
	private $valid_database = FALSE;

	 * Constructor
	public function __construct()

		$this->db = \Query($this->db_config['collection']);
		$this->anime_model = new AnimeModel();

		// Is database valid? If not, set a flag so the
		// app can be run without a valid database
		$db_file = file_get_contents($this->db_config['collection']['file']);
		$this->valid_database = (strpos($db_file, 'SQLite format 3') === 0);

		// Do an import if an import file exists

	 * Get collection from the database, and organize by media type
	 * @return array
	public function get_collection()
		$raw_collection = $this->_get_collection();

		$collection = [];

		foreach($raw_collection as $row)
			if (array_key_exists($row['media'], $collection))
				$collection[$row['media']][] = $row;
				$collection[$row['media']] = [$row];

		return $collection;

	 * Get full collection from the database
	 * @return array
	private function _get_collection()
		if ( ! $this->valid_database) return [];

		$query = $this->db->select('hummingbird_id, slug, title, alternate_title, show_type, age_rating, episode_count, episode_length, cover_image, notes, media.type as media')
			->from('anime_set a')
			->join('media', 'media.id=a.media_id', 'inner')

		return $query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

	 * Import anime into collection from a json file
	 * @return void
	private function json_import()
		if ( ! file_exists('import.json')) return;
		if ( ! $this->valid_database) return;

		$anime = json_decode(file_get_contents("import.json"));

		foreach($anime as $item)
				'hummingbird_id' => $item->id,
				'slug' => $item->slug,
				'title' => $item->title,
				'alternate_title' => $item->alternate_title,
				'show_type' => $item->show_type,
				'age_rating' => $item->age_rating,
				'cover_image' => $this->get_cached_image($item->cover_image, $item->slug, 'anime'),
				'episode_count' => $item->episode_count,
				'episode_length' => $item->episode_length

		// Delete the import file

		// Update genre info

	 * Update genre information
	 * @return void
	private function update_genres()
		$genres = [];
		$flipped_genres = [];

		$links = [];

		// Get existing genres
		$query = $this->db->select('id, genre')
		foreach($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $genre)
			$genres[$genre['id']] = $genre['genre'];

		// Get existing link table entries
		$query = $this->db->select('hummingbird_id, genre_id')
		foreach($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $link)
			if (array_key_exists($link['hummingbird_id'], $links))
				$links[$link['hummingbird_id']][] = $link['genre_id'];
				$links[$link['hummingbird_id']] = [$link['genre_id']];

		// Get the anime collection
		$collection = $this->_get_collection();
		foreach($collection as $anime)
			// Get api information
			$api = $this->anime_model->get_anime($anime['hummingbird_id']);

			foreach($api['genres'] as $genre)
				// Add genres that don't currently exist
				if ( ! in_array($genre['name'], $genres))
					$this->db->set('genre', $genre['name'])

					$genres[] = $genre['name'];

				// Update link table

				// Get id of genre to put in link table
				$flipped_genres = array_flip($genres);

				$insert_array = [
					'hummingbird_id' => $anime['hummingbird_id'],
					'genre_id' => $flipped_genres[$genre['name']]

				if (array_key_exists($anime['hummingbird_id'], $links))
					if ( ! in_array($flipped_genres[$genre['name']], $links[$anime['hummingbird_id']]))
// End of AnimeCollectionModel.php