* @copyright 2015 - 2018 Timothy J. Warren * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @version 4.1 * @link https://git.timshomepage.net/timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient */ namespace Aviat\AnimeClient; use Aviat\Ion\ConfigInterface; use Yosymfony\Toml\{Toml, TomlBuilder}; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! TOML Functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Load configuration options from .toml files * * @param string $path - Path to load config * @return array */ function loadToml(string $path): array { $output = []; $files = glob("{$path}/*.toml"); foreach ($files as $file) { $key = str_replace('.toml', '', basename($file)); if ($key === 'admin-override') { continue; } $config = Toml::parseFile($file); if ($key === 'config') { foreach($config as $name => $value) { $output[$name] = $value; } continue; } $output[$key] = $config; } return $output; } /** * Load config from one specific TOML file * * @param string $filename * @return array */ function loadTomlFile(string $filename): array { return Toml::parseFile($filename); } function _iterateToml(TomlBuilder $builder, $data, $parentKey = NULL): void { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($value === NULL) { continue; } if (is_scalar($value) || isSequentialArray($value)) { // $builder->addTable(''); $builder->addValue($key, $value); continue; } $newKey = ($parentKey !== NULL) ? "{$parentKey}.{$key}" : $key; if ( ! isSequentialArray($value)) { $builder->addTable($newKey); } _iterateToml($builder, $value, $newKey); } } /** * Serialize config data into a Toml file * * @param mixed $data * @return string */ function arrayToToml($data): string { $builder = new TomlBuilder(); _iterateToml($builder, $data); return $builder->getTomlString(); } /** * Serialize toml back to an array * * @param string $toml * @return array */ function tomlToArray(string $toml): array { return Toml::parse($toml); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Misc Functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Is the array sequential, not associative? * * @param mixed $array * @return bool */ function isSequentialArray($array): bool { if ( ! is_array($array)) { return FALSE; } $i = 0; foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if ($k !== $i++) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Check that folder permissions are correct for proper operation * * @param ConfigInterface $config * @return array */ function checkFolderPermissions(ConfigInterface $config): array { $errors = []; $publicDir = $config->get('asset_dir'); $pathMap = [ 'app/config' => realpath(__DIR__ . '/../app/config'), 'app/logs' => realpath(__DIR__ . '/../app/logs'), 'public/images/avatars' => "{$publicDir}/images/avatars", 'public/images/anime' => "{$publicDir}/images/anime", 'public/images/characters' => "{$publicDir}/images/characters", 'public/images/manga' => "{$publicDir}/images/manga", 'public/images/people' => "{$publicDir}/images/people", ]; foreach ($pathMap as $pretty => $actual) { // Make sure the folder exists first if ( ! is_dir($actual)) { $errors['missing'][] = $pretty; continue; } $writable = is_writable($actual) && is_executable($actual); if ( ! $writable) { $errors['writable'][] = $pretty; } } return $errors; } /** * Generate the path for the cached image from the original iamge * * @param string $kitsuUrl * @return string */ function getLocalImg ($kitsuUrl): string { if ( ! is_string($kitsuUrl)) { return '/404'; } $parts = parse_url($kitsuUrl); if ($parts === FALSE) { return '/404'; } $file = basename($parts['path']); $fileParts = explode('.', $file); $ext = array_pop($fileParts); $segments = explode('/', trim($parts['path'], '/')); // dump($segments); $type = $segments[0] === 'users' ? $segments[1] : $segments[0]; $id = $segments[count($segments) - 2]; return implode('/', ['images', $type, "{$id}.{$ext}"]); }