#                           Main User Configuration                            #

# Username for anime and manga lists
kitsu_username = "timw4mail"

# Whose list is it?
whose_list = "Tim"

# do you wish to show the anime collection?
show_anime_collection = true

# do you wish to show the manga collection?
show_manga_collection = false

# Default views and paths

# Path to public directory, where images/css/javascript are located,
# appended to the url
asset_path = "/public"

# Which list should be the default?
default_list = "anime" # anime or manga

# Default pages for anime/manga
default_anime_list_path = "watching" # watching|plan_to_watch|on_hold|dropped|completed|all
default_manga_list_path = "reading" # reading|plan_to_read|on_hold|dropped|completed|all