 * Hummingbird Anime List Client
 * An API client for Kitsu and MyAnimeList to manage anime and manga watch lists
 * PHP version 7
 * @package     HummingbirdAnimeClient
 * @author      Timothy J. Warren <tim@timshomepage.net>
 * @copyright   2015 - 2018  Timothy J. Warren
 * @license     http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
 * @version     4.0
 * @link        https://git.timshomepage.net/timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient

namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\API;

use Amp\{
use Amp\Artax\{
use Amp\Artax\Cookie\{
use Amp\Artax\Internal\{
	CombinedCancellationToken, Parser, PublicSuffixList, RequestCycle
use Amp\ByteStream\{
	InputStream, IteratorStream, Message, ZlibInputStream
use Amp\Dns\ResolutionException;
use Amp\Socket\{
	ClientSocket, ClientTlsContext, ConnectException
use Amp\Uri\{
	InvalidUriException, Uri
use function Amp\{
	asyncCall, call

 * Standard client implementation.
 * Use the `Client` interface for your type declarations so people can use composition to add layers like caching.
 * @see Client
final class HummingbirdClient implements Client {
	const DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Artax)';

	private $cookieJar;
	private $socketPool;
	private $tlsContext;
	private $hasZlib;
	private $options = [
		self::OP_AUTO_ENCODING => true,
		self::OP_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT => 15000,
		self::OP_MAX_REDIRECTS => 5,
		self::OP_AUTO_REFERER => true,
		self::OP_DISCARD_BODY => false,
		self::OP_DEFAULT_HEADERS => [],

	public function __construct(
		CookieJar $cookieJar = null,
		HttpSocketPool $socketPool = null,
		ClientTlsContext $tlsContext = null
		$this->cookieJar = $cookieJar ?? new NullCookieJar;
		$this->tlsContext = $tlsContext ?? new ClientTlsContext;
		$this->socketPool = $socketPool ?? new HttpSocketPool;
		$this->hasZlib = extension_loaded('zlib');

	/** @inheritdoc */
	public function request($uriOrRequest, array $options = [], CancellationToken $cancellation = null): Promise
		return call(function () use ($uriOrRequest, $options, $cancellation) {
			$cancellation = $cancellation ?? new NullCancellationToken;

			foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
				$this->validateOption($option, $value);

			/** @var Request $request */
			list($request, $uri) = $this->generateRequestFromUri($uriOrRequest);
			$options = $options ? array_merge($this->options, $options) : $this->options;

			foreach ($this->options[self::OP_DEFAULT_HEADERS] as $name => $header) {
				if (!$request->hasHeader($name)) {
					$request = $request->withHeaders([$name => $header]);

			/** @var array $headers */
			$headers = yield $request->getBody()->getHeaders();
			foreach ($headers as $name => $header) {
				if (!$request->hasHeader($name)) {
					$request = $request->withHeaders([$name => $header]);

			$originalUri = $uri;
			$previousResponse = null;

			$maxRedirects = $options[self::OP_MAX_REDIRECTS];
			$requestNr = 1;

			do {
				/** @var Request $request */
				$request = yield from $this->normalizeRequestBodyHeaders($request);
				$request = $this->normalizeRequestHeaders($request, $uri, $options);

				// Always normalize this as last item, because we need to strip sensitive headers
				$request = $this->normalizeTraceRequest($request);

				/** @var Response $response */
				$response = yield $this->doRequest($request, $uri, $options, $previousResponse, $cancellation);

				// Explicit $maxRedirects !== 0 check to not consume redirect bodies if redirect following is disabled
				if ($maxRedirects !== 0 && $redirectUri = $this->getRedirectUri($response)) {
					// Discard response body of redirect responses
					$body = $response->getBody();
					while (null !== yield $body->read()) ;

					 * If this is a 302/303 we need to follow the location with a GET if the original request wasn't
					 * GET. Otherwise we need to send the body again.
					 * We won't resend the body nor any headers on redirects to other hosts for security reasons.
					 * @link http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.3.3
					$method = $request->getMethod();
					$status = $response->getStatus();
					$isSameHost = $redirectUri->getAuthority(false) === $originalUri->getAuthority(false);

					if ($isSameHost) {
						$request = $request->withUri($redirectUri);

						if ($status >= 300 && $status <= 303 && $method !== 'GET') {
							$request = $request->withMethod('GET');
							$request = $request->withoutHeader('Transfer-Encoding');
							$request = $request->withoutHeader('Content-Length');
							$request = $request->withoutHeader('Content-Type');
							$request = $request->withBody(null);
					} else {
						// We ALWAYS follow with a GET and without any set headers or body for redirects to other hosts.
						$optionsWithoutHeaders = $options;

						$request = new Request((string)$redirectUri);
						$request = $this->normalizeRequestHeaders($request, $redirectUri, $optionsWithoutHeaders);

					if ($options[self::OP_AUTO_REFERER]) {
						$request = $this->assignRedirectRefererHeader($request, $originalUri, $redirectUri);

					$previousResponse = $response;
					$originalUri = $redirectUri;
					$uri = $redirectUri;
				} else {
			} while (++$requestNr <= $maxRedirects + 1);

			if ($maxRedirects !== 0 && $redirectUri = $this->getRedirectUri($response)) {
				throw new TooManyRedirectsException($response);

			return $response;

	private function validateOption(string $option, $value)
		switch ($option) {
			case self::OP_AUTO_ENCODING:
				if (!\is_bool($value)) {
					throw new \TypeError("Invalid value for OP_AUTO_ENCODING, bool expected");


			case self::OP_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT:
				if (!\is_int($value) || $value < 0) {
					throw new \Error("Invalid value for OP_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT, int >= 0 expected");


			case self::OP_MAX_REDIRECTS:
				if (!\is_int($value) || $value < 0) {
					throw new \Error("Invalid value for OP_MAX_REDIRECTS, int >= 0 expected");


			case self::OP_AUTO_REFERER:
				if (!\is_bool($value)) {
					throw new \TypeError("Invalid value for OP_AUTO_REFERER, bool expected");


			case self::OP_DISCARD_BODY:
				if (!\is_bool($value)) {
					throw new \TypeError("Invalid value for OP_DISCARD_BODY, bool expected");


			case self::OP_DEFAULT_HEADERS:
				// We attempt to set the headers here, because they're automatically validated then.
				(new Request("https://example.com/"))->withHeaders($value);


			case self::OP_MAX_HEADER_BYTES:
				if (!\is_int($value) || $value < 0) {
					throw new \Error("Invalid value for OP_MAX_HEADER_BYTES, int >= 0 expected");


			case self::OP_MAX_BODY_BYTES:
				if (!\is_int($value) || $value < 0) {
					throw new \Error("Invalid value for OP_MAX_BODY_BYTES, int >= 0 expected");


				throw new \Error(
					sprintf("Unknown option: %s", $option)

	private function generateRequestFromUri($uriOrRequest)
		if (is_string($uriOrRequest)) {
			$uri = $this->buildUriFromString($uriOrRequest);
			$request = new Request($uri);
		} elseif ($uriOrRequest instanceof Request) {
			$uri = $this->buildUriFromString($uriOrRequest->getUri());
			$request = $uriOrRequest;
		} else {
			throw new HttpException(
				'Request must be a valid HTTP URI or Amp\Artax\Request instance'

		return [$request, $uri];

	private function buildUriFromString($str): Uri
		try {
			$uri = new Uri($str);
			$scheme = $uri->getScheme();

			if (($scheme === "http" || $scheme === "https") && $uri->getHost()) {
				return $uri;

			throw new HttpException("Request must specify a valid HTTP URI");
		} catch (InvalidUriException $e) {
			throw new HttpException("Request must specify a valid HTTP URI", 0, $e);

	private function normalizeRequestBodyHeaders(Request $request): \Generator
		if ($request->hasHeader("Transfer-Encoding")) {
			return $request->withoutHeader("Content-Length");

		if ($request->hasHeader("Content-Length")) {
			return $request;

		/** @var RequestBody $body */
		$body = $request->getBody();
		$bodyLength = yield $body->getBodyLength();

		if ($bodyLength === 0) {
			$request = $request->withHeader('Content-Length', '0');
			$request = $request->withoutHeader('Transfer-Encoding');
		} else {
			if ($bodyLength > 0) {
				$request = $request->withHeader("Content-Length", $bodyLength);
				$request = $request->withoutHeader("Transfer-Encoding");
			} else {
				$request = $request->withHeader("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked");

		return $request;

	private function normalizeRequestHeaders($request, $uri, $options)
		$request = $this->normalizeRequestEncodingHeaderForZlib($request, $options);
		$request = $this->normalizeRequestHostHeader($request, $uri);
		$request = $this->normalizeRequestUserAgent($request);
		$request = $this->normalizeRequestAcceptHeader($request);
		$request = $this->assignApplicableRequestCookies($request);

		return $request;

	private function normalizeRequestEncodingHeaderForZlib(Request $request, array $options): Request
		$autoEncoding = $options[self::OP_AUTO_ENCODING];

		if (!$autoEncoding) {
			return $request;

		if ($this->hasZlib) {
			return $request->withHeader('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip, deflate, identity');

		return $request->withoutHeader('Accept-Encoding');

	private function normalizeRequestHostHeader(Request $request, Uri $uri): Request
		if ($request->hasHeader('Host')) {
			return $request;

		$authority = $this->generateAuthorityFromUri($uri);
		$request = $request->withHeader('Host', $this->normalizeHostHeader($authority));

		return $request;

	private function generateAuthorityFromUri(Uri $uri): string
		$host = $uri->getHost();
		$port = $uri->getPort();

		return "{$host}:{$port}";

	private function normalizeHostHeader(string $host): string
		// Though servers are supposed to be able to handle standard port names on the end of the
		// Host header some fail to do this correctly. As a result, we strip the port from the end
		// if it's a standard 80 or 443
		if (strpos($host, ':80') === strlen($host) - 3) {
			return substr($host, 0, -3);
		} elseif (strpos($host, ':443') === strlen($host) - 4) {
			return substr($host, 0, -4);

		return $host;

	private function normalizeRequestUserAgent(Request $request): Request
		if ($request->hasHeader('User-Agent')) {
			return $request;

		return $request->withHeader('User-Agent', self::DEFAULT_USER_AGENT);

	private function normalizeRequestAcceptHeader(Request $request): Request
		if ($request->hasHeader('Accept')) {
			return $request;

		return $request->withHeader('Accept', '*/*');

	private function assignApplicableRequestCookies(Request $request): Request
		$uri = new Uri($request->getUri());

		$domain = $uri->getHost();
		$path = $uri->getPath();

		if (!$applicableCookies = $this->cookieJar->get($domain, $path)) {
			// No cookies matched our request; we're finished.
			return $request->withoutHeader("Cookie");

		$isRequestSecure = strcasecmp($uri->getScheme(), "https") === 0;
		$cookiePairs = [];

		/** @var Cookie $cookie */
		foreach ($applicableCookies as $cookie) {
			if (!$cookie->isSecure() || $isRequestSecure) {
				$cookiePairs[] = $cookie->getName() . "=" . $cookie->getValue();

		if ($cookiePairs) {
			return $request->withHeader("Cookie", \implode("; ", $cookiePairs));

		return $request->withoutHeader("Cookie");

	private function normalizeTraceRequest(Request $request): Request
		$method = $request->getMethod();

		if ($method !== 'TRACE') {
			return $request;

		// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.3.8
		/** @var Request $request */
		$request = $request->withBody(null);

		// Remove all body and sensitive headers
		$request = $request->withHeaders([
			"Transfer-Encoding" => [],
			"Content-Length" => [],
			"Authorization" => [],
			"Proxy-Authorization" => [],
			"Cookie" => [],

		return $request;

	private function doRequest(Request $request, Uri $uri, array $options, Response $previousResponse = null, CancellationToken $cancellation): Promise
		$deferred = new Deferred;

		$requestCycle = new RequestCycle;
		$requestCycle->request = $request;
		$requestCycle->uri = $uri;
		$requestCycle->options = $options;
		$requestCycle->previousResponse = $previousResponse;
		$requestCycle->deferred = $deferred;
		$requestCycle->bodyDeferred = new Deferred;
		$requestCycle->body = new Emitter;
		$requestCycle->cancellation = $cancellation;

		$protocolVersions = $request->getProtocolVersions();

		if (\in_array("1.1", $protocolVersions, true)) {
			$requestCycle->protocolVersion = "1.1";
		} elseif (\in_array("1.0", $protocolVersions, true)) {
			$requestCycle->protocolVersion = "1.0";
		} else {
			return new Failure(new HttpException(
				"None of the requested protocol versions are supported: " . \implode(", ", $protocolVersions)

		asyncCall(function () use ($requestCycle) {
			try {
				yield from $this->doWrite($requestCycle);
			} catch (\Throwable $e) {
				$this->fail($requestCycle, $e);

		return $deferred->promise();

	private function doWrite(RequestCycle $requestCycle)
		$timeout = $requestCycle->options[self::OP_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT];
		$timeoutToken = new NullCancellationToken;

		if ($timeout > 0) {
			$transferTimeoutWatcher = Loop::delay($timeout, function () use ($requestCycle, $timeout) {
				$this->fail($requestCycle, new TimeoutException(
					sprintf('Allowed transfer timeout exceeded: %d ms', $timeout)

			$requestCycle->bodyDeferred->promise()->onResolve(static function () use ($transferTimeoutWatcher) {

			$timeoutToken = new TimeoutCancellationToken($timeout);

		$authority = $this->generateAuthorityFromUri($requestCycle->uri);
		$socketCheckoutUri = $requestCycle->uri->getScheme() . "://{$authority}";
		$connectTimeoutToken = new CombinedCancellationToken($requestCycle->cancellation, $timeoutToken);

		try {
			/** @var ClientSocket $socket */
			$socket = yield $this->socketPool->checkout($socketCheckoutUri, $connectTimeoutToken);
			$requestCycle->socket = $socket;
		} catch (ResolutionException $dnsException) {
			throw new DnsException(\sprintf("Resolving the specified domain failed: '%s'", $requestCycle->uri->getHost()), 0, $dnsException);
		} catch (ConnectException $e) {
			throw new SocketException(\sprintf("Connection to '%s' failed", $authority), 0, $e);
		} catch (CancelledException $e) {
			// In case of a user cancellation request, throw the expected exception

			// Otherwise we ran into a timeout of our TimeoutCancellationToken
			throw new SocketException(\sprintf("Connection to '%s' timed out", $authority), 0, $e);

		$cancellation = $requestCycle->cancellation->subscribe(function ($error) use ($requestCycle) {
			$this->fail($requestCycle, $error);

		try {
			if ($requestCycle->uri->getScheme() === 'https') {
				$tlsContext = $this->tlsContext

				yield $socket->enableCrypto($tlsContext);

			// Collect this here, because it fails in case the remote closes the connection directly.
			$connectionInfo = $this->collectConnectionInfo($socket);

			$rawHeaders = $this->generateRawRequestHeaders($requestCycle->request, $requestCycle->protocolVersion);
			yield $socket->write($rawHeaders);

			$body = $requestCycle->request->getBody()->createBodyStream();
			$chunking = $requestCycle->request->getHeader("transfer-encoding") === "chunked";
			$remainingBytes = $requestCycle->request->getHeader("content-length");

			if ($chunking && $requestCycle->protocolVersion === "1.0") {
				throw new HttpException("Can't send chunked bodies over HTTP/1.0");

			// We always buffer the last chunk to make sure we don't write $contentLength bytes if the body is too long.
			$buffer = "";

			while (null !== $chunk = yield $body->read()) {

				if ($chunk === "") {

				if ($chunking) {
					$chunk = \dechex(\strlen($chunk)) . "\r\n" . $chunk . "\r\n";
				}/* elseif ($remainingBytes !== null) {
					$remainingBytes -= \strlen($chunk);

					if ($remainingBytes < 0) {
						throw new HttpException("Body contained more bytes than specified in Content-Length, aborting request");

				yield $socket->write($buffer);
				$buffer = $chunk;

			// Flush last buffered chunk.
			yield $socket->write($buffer);

			if ($chunking) {
				yield $socket->write("0\r\n\r\n");
			}/* elseif ($remainingBytes !== null && $remainingBytes > 0) {
				throw new HttpException("Body contained fewer bytes than specified in Content-Length, aborting request");

			yield from $this->doRead($requestCycle, $socket, $connectionInfo);
		} finally {

	private function fail(RequestCycle $requestCycle, \Throwable $error)
		$toFails = [];
		$socket = null;

		if ($requestCycle->deferred) {
			$toFails[] = $requestCycle->deferred;
			$requestCycle->deferred = null;

		if ($requestCycle->body) {
			$toFails[] = $requestCycle->body;
			$requestCycle->body = null;

		if ($requestCycle->bodyDeferred) {
			$toFails[] = $requestCycle->bodyDeferred;
			$requestCycle->bodyDeferred = null;

		if ($requestCycle->socket) {
			$socket = $requestCycle->socket;
			$requestCycle->socket = null;

		foreach ($toFails as $toFail) {

	private function collectConnectionInfo(ClientSocket $socket): ConnectionInfo
		$crypto = \stream_get_meta_data($socket->getResource())["crypto"] ?? null;

		return new ConnectionInfo(
			$crypto ? TlsInfo::fromMetaData($crypto, \stream_context_get_options($socket->getResource())["ssl"]) : null

	 * @param Request $request
	 * @param string $protocolVersion
	 * @return string
	 * @TODO Send absolute URIs in the request line when using a proxy server
	 *       Right now this doesn't matter because all proxy requests use a CONNECT
	 *       tunnel but this likely will not always be the case.
	private function generateRawRequestHeaders(Request $request, string $protocolVersion): string
		$uri = $request->getUri();
		$uri = new Uri($uri);

		$requestUri = $uri->getPath() ?: '/';

		if ($query = $uri->getQuery()) {
			$requestUri .= '?' . $query;

		$head = $request->getMethod() . ' ' . $requestUri . ' HTTP/' . $protocolVersion . "\r\n";

		$headers = $request->getHeaders(true);
		/*$newHeaders = [];

		foreach($headers as $key => $val)
			if ($key !== 'Content-Length')
				$newHeaders[$key] = $val;

		// Curse you Kitsu, for this stupid work-around because the login API endpoint doesn't allow for a Content-Length header!

		foreach ($headers as $field => $values) {
			if (\strcspn($field, "\r\n") !== \strlen($field)) {
				throw new HttpException("Blocked header injection attempt for header '{$field}'");

			foreach ($values as $value) {
				if (\strcspn($value, "\r\n") !== \strlen($value)) {
					throw new HttpException("Blocked header injection attempt for header '{$field}' with value '{$value}'");

				$head .= "{$field}: {$value}\r\n";

		$head .= "\r\n";

		return $head;

	private function doRead(RequestCycle $requestCycle, ClientSocket $socket, ConnectionInfo $connectionInfo): \Generator
		try {
			$backpressure = new Success;
			$bodyCallback = $requestCycle->options[self::OP_DISCARD_BODY]
				? null
				: static function ($data) use ($requestCycle, &$backpressure) {
					$backpressure = $requestCycle->body->emit($data);

			$parser = new Parser($bodyCallback);

				Parser::OP_MAX_HEADER_BYTES => $requestCycle->options[self::OP_MAX_HEADER_BYTES],
				Parser::OP_MAX_BODY_BYTES => $requestCycle->options[self::OP_MAX_BODY_BYTES],

			while (null !== $chunk = yield $socket->read()) {

				$parseResult = $parser->parse($chunk);

				if (!$parseResult) {

				$parseResult["headers"] = \array_change_key_case($parseResult["headers"], \CASE_LOWER);

				$response = $this->finalizeResponse($requestCycle, $parseResult, $connectionInfo);
				$shouldCloseSocketAfterResponse = $this->shouldCloseSocketAfterResponse($response);
				$ignoreIncompleteBodyCheck = false;
				$responseHeaders = $response->getHeaders();

				if ($requestCycle->deferred) {
					$deferred = $requestCycle->deferred;
					$requestCycle->deferred = null;
					$response = null; // clear references
					$deferred = null; // there's also a reference in the deferred
				} else {

				// Required, otherwise responses without body hang
				if ($parseResult["headersOnly"]) {
					// Directly parse again in case we already have the full body but aborted parsing
					// to resolve promise with headers.
					$chunk = null;

					do {
						try {
							$parseResult = $parser->parse($chunk);
						} catch (ParseException $e) {
							$this->fail($requestCycle, $e);
							throw $e;

						if ($parseResult) {

						if (!$backpressure instanceof Success) {
							yield $this->withCancellation($backpressure, $requestCycle->cancellation);

						if ($requestCycle->bodyTooLarge) {
							throw new HttpException("Response body exceeded the specified size limit");
					} while (null !== $chunk = yield $socket->read());

					$parserState = $parser->getState();
					if ($parserState !== Parser::AWAITING_HEADERS) {
						// Ignore check if neither content-length nor chunked encoding are given.
						$ignoreIncompleteBodyCheck = $parserState === Parser::BODY_IDENTITY_EOF &&
							!isset($responseHeaders["content-length"]) &&
							strcasecmp('identity', $responseHeaders['transfer-encoding'][0] ?? "");

						if (!$ignoreIncompleteBodyCheck) {
							throw new SocketException(sprintf(
								'Socket disconnected prior to response completion (Parser state: %s)',

				if ($shouldCloseSocketAfterResponse || $ignoreIncompleteBodyCheck) {
				} else {

				$requestCycle->socket = null;

				// Complete body AFTER socket checkin, so the socket can be reused for a potential redirect
				$body = $requestCycle->body;
				$requestCycle->body = null;

				$bodyDeferred = $requestCycle->bodyDeferred;
				$requestCycle->bodyDeferred = null;


		} catch (\Throwable $e) {
			$this->fail($requestCycle, $e);


		if ($socket->getResource() !== null) {
			$requestCycle->socket = null;

		// Required, because if the write fails, the read() call immediately resolves.
		yield new Delayed(0);

		if ($requestCycle->deferred === null) {

		$parserState = $parser->getState();

		if ($parserState === Parser::AWAITING_HEADERS && $requestCycle->retryCount < 1) {
			yield from $this->doWrite($requestCycle);
		} else {
			$this->fail($requestCycle, new SocketException(sprintf(
				'Socket disconnected prior to response completion (Parser state: %s)',

	private function finalizeResponse(RequestCycle $requestCycle, array $parserResult, ConnectionInfo $connectionInfo)
		$body = new IteratorStream($requestCycle->body->iterate());

		if ($encoding = $this->determineCompressionEncoding($parserResult["headers"])) {
			$body = new ZlibInputStream($body, $encoding);

		// Wrap the input stream so we can discard the body in case it's destructed but hasn't been consumed.
		// This allows reusing the connection for further requests. It's important to have __destruct in InputStream and
		// not in Message, because an InputStream might be pulled out of Message and used separately.
		$body = new class($body, $requestCycle, $this->socketPool) implements InputStream
			private $body;
			private $bodySize = 0;
			private $requestCycle;
			private $socketPool;
			private $successfulEnd = false;

			public function __construct(InputStream $body, RequestCycle $requestCycle, HttpSocketPool $socketPool)
				$this->body = $body;
				$this->requestCycle = $requestCycle;
				$this->socketPool = $socketPool;

			public function read(): Promise
				$promise = $this->body->read();
				$promise->onResolve(function ($error, $value) {
					if ($value !== null) {
						$this->bodySize += \strlen($value);
						$maxBytes = $this->requestCycle->options[Client::OP_MAX_BODY_BYTES];
						if ($maxBytes !== 0 && $this->bodySize >= $maxBytes) {
							$this->requestCycle->bodyTooLarge = true;
					} elseif ($error === null) {
						$this->successfulEnd = true;

				return $promise;

			public function __destruct()
				if (!$this->successfulEnd && $this->requestCycle->socket) {
					$socket = $this->requestCycle->socket;
					$this->requestCycle->socket = null;

		$response = new class($parserResult["protocol"], $parserResult["status"], $parserResult["reason"], $parserResult["headers"], $body, $requestCycle->request, $requestCycle->previousResponse, new MetaInfo($connectionInfo)) implements Response
			private $protocolVersion;
			private $status;
			private $reason;
			private $request;
			private $previousResponse;
			private $headers;
			private $body;
			private $metaInfo;

			public function __construct(
				string $protocolVersion,
				int $status,
				string $reason,
				array $headers,
				InputStream $body,
				Request $request,
				Response $previousResponse = null,
				MetaInfo $metaInfo
				$this->protocolVersion = $protocolVersion;
				$this->status = $status;
				$this->reason = $reason;
				$this->headers = $headers;
				$this->body = new Message($body);
				$this->request = $request;
				$this->previousResponse = $previousResponse;
				$this->metaInfo = $metaInfo;

			public function getProtocolVersion(): string
				return $this->protocolVersion;

			public function getStatus(): int
				return $this->status;

			public function getReason(): string
				return $this->reason;

			public function getRequest(): Request
				return $this->request;

			public function getOriginalRequest(): Request
				if (empty($this->previousResponse)) {
					return $this->request;

				return $this->previousResponse->getOriginalRequest();

			public function getPreviousResponse()
				return $this->previousResponse;

			public function hasHeader(string $field): bool
				return isset($this->headers[\strtolower($field)]);

			public function getHeader(string $field)
				return $this->headers[\strtolower($field)][0] ?? null;

			public function getHeaderArray(string $field): array
				return $this->headers[\strtolower($field)] ?? [];

			public function getHeaders(): array
				return $this->headers;

			public function getBody(): Message
				return $this->body;

			public function getMetaInfo(): MetaInfo
				return $this->metaInfo;

		if ($response->hasHeader('Set-Cookie')) {
			$requestDomain = $requestCycle->uri->getHost();
			$cookies = $response->getHeaderArray('Set-Cookie');

			foreach ($cookies as $rawCookieStr) {
				$this->storeResponseCookie($requestDomain, $rawCookieStr);

		return $response;

	private function determineCompressionEncoding(array $responseHeaders): int
		if (!$this->hasZlib) {
			return 0;

		if (!isset($responseHeaders["content-encoding"])) {
			return 0;

		$contentEncodingHeader = \trim(\current($responseHeaders["content-encoding"]));

		if (strcasecmp($contentEncodingHeader, 'gzip') === 0) {

		if (strcasecmp($contentEncodingHeader, 'deflate') === 0) {

		return 0;

	private function storeResponseCookie(string $requestDomain, string $rawCookieStr)
		try {
			$cookie = Cookie::fromString($rawCookieStr);

			if (!$cookie->getDomain()) {
				$cookie = $cookie->withDomain($requestDomain);
			} else {
				// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-
				$cookieDomain = $cookie->getDomain();

				// If a domain is set, left dots are ignored and it's always a wildcard
				$cookieDomain = \ltrim($cookieDomain, ".");

				if ($cookieDomain !== $requestDomain) {
					// ignore cookies on domains that are public suffixes
					if (PublicSuffixList::isPublicSuffix($cookieDomain)) {

					// cookie origin would not be included when sending the cookie
					if (\substr($requestDomain, 0, -\strlen($cookieDomain) - 1) . "." . $cookieDomain !== $requestDomain) {

				// always add the dot, it's used internally for wildcard matching when an explicit domain is sent
				$cookie = $cookie->withDomain("." . $cookieDomain);

		} catch (CookieFormatException $e) {
			// Ignore malformed Set-Cookie headers

	private function shouldCloseSocketAfterResponse(Response $response)
		$request = $response->getRequest();

		$requestConnHeader = $request->getHeader('Connection');
		$responseConnHeader = $response->getHeader('Connection');

		if ($requestConnHeader && !strcasecmp($requestConnHeader, 'close')) {
			return true;
		} elseif ($responseConnHeader && !strcasecmp($responseConnHeader, 'close')) {
			return true;
		} elseif ($response->getProtocolVersion() === '1.0' && !$responseConnHeader) {
			return true;

		return false;

	private function withCancellation(Promise $promise, CancellationToken $cancellationToken): Promise
		$deferred = new Deferred;
		$newPromise = $deferred->promise();

		$promise->onResolve(function ($error, $value) use (&$deferred) {
			if ($deferred) {
				if ($error) {
					$deferred = null;
				} else {
					$deferred = null;

		$cancellationSubscription = $cancellationToken->subscribe(function ($e) use (&$deferred) {
			if ($deferred) {
				$deferred = null;

		$newPromise->onResolve(function () use ($cancellationToken, $cancellationSubscription) {

		return $newPromise;

	private function getRedirectUri(Response $response)
		if (!$response->hasHeader('Location')) {
			return null;

		$request = $response->getRequest();

		$status = $response->getStatus();
		$method = $request->getMethod();

		if ($status < 300 || $status > 399 || $method === 'HEAD') {
			return null;

		$requestUri = new Uri($request->getUri());
		$redirectLocation = $response->getHeader('Location');

		try {
			return $requestUri->resolve($redirectLocation);
		} catch (InvalidUriException $e) {
			return null;

	 * Clients must not add a Referer header when leaving an unencrypted resource and redirecting to an encrypted
	 * resource.
	 * @param Request $request
	 * @param string $refererUri
	 * @param string $newUri
	 * @return Request
	 * @link http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec15.html#sec15.1.3
	private function assignRedirectRefererHeader(Request $request, string $refererUri, string $newUri): Request
		$refererIsEncrypted = (\stripos($refererUri, 'https') === 0);
		$destinationIsEncrypted = (\stripos($newUri, 'https') === 0);

		if (!$refererIsEncrypted || $destinationIsEncrypted) {
			return $request->withHeader('Referer', $refererUri);

		return $request->withoutHeader('Referer');

	 * Set multiple options at once.
	 * @param array $options An array of the form [OP_CONSTANT => $value]
	 * @throws \Error On unknown option key or invalid value.
	public function setOptions(array $options)
		foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
			$this->setOption($option, $value);

	 * Set an option.
	 * @param string $option A Client option constant
	 * @param mixed $value The option value to assign
	 * @throws \Error On unknown option key or invalid value.
	public function setOption(string $option, $value)
		$this->validateOption($option, $value);
		$this->options[$option] = $value;