self::WATCHING, AnimeWatchingStatus::PLAN_TO_WATCH => self::PLAN_TO_WATCH, AnimeWatchingStatus::ON_HOLD => self::ON_HOLD, AnimeWatchingStatus::DROPPED => self::DROPPED, AnimeWatchingStatus::COMPLETED => self::COMPLETED, ]; /** * Update the selected anime * * @param array $data * @return array|false */ public function update($data) { $auth = $this->container->get('auth'); if ( ! $auth->is_authenticated()) { return FALSE; } $data['auth_token'] = $auth->get_auth_token(); $response = $this->client->post("libraries/{$data['id']}", [ 'form_params' => $data ]); return json_decode($response->getBody(), TRUE); } /** * Get the full set of anime lists * * @return array */ public function get_all_lists() { $output = [ self::WATCHING => [], self::PLAN_TO_WATCH => [], self::ON_HOLD => [], self::DROPPED => [], self::COMPLETED => [], ]; $data = $this->_get_list_from_api(); foreach ($data as $datum) { $output[$this->const_map[$datum['watching_status']]][] = $datum; } // Sort anime by name foreach ($output as &$status_list) { $this->sort_by_name($status_list); } return $output; } /** * Get a category out of the full list * * @param string $status * @return array */ public function get_list($status) { $data = $this->_get_list_From_api($status); $this->sort_by_name($data); $output = []; $output[$this->const_map[$status]] = $data; return $output; } /** * Get information about an anime from its id * * @param string $anime_id * @return array */ public function get_anime($anime_id) { $config = [ 'query' => [ 'id' => $anime_id ] ]; $response = $this->client->get("anime/{$anime_id}", $config); return json_decode($response->getBody(), TRUE); } /** * Search for anime by name * * @param string $name * @return array */ public function search($name) { $errorHandler = $this->container->get('error-handler'); $config = [ 'query' => [ 'query' => $name ] ]; $response = $this->get('search/anime', $config); $errorHandler->addDataTable('anime_search_response', (array)$response); if ($response->getStatusCode() != 200) { throw new RuntimeException($response->getEffectiveUrl()); } return json_decode($response->getBody(), TRUE); } /** * Retrieve data from the api * * @codeCoverageIgnore * @param string $status * @return array */ protected function _get_list_from_api($status = "all") { $config = [ 'allow_redirects' => FALSE ]; if ($status != "all") { $config['query']['status'] = $status; } $username = $this->config->get('hummingbird_username'); $response = $this->get("users/{$username}/library", $config); $output = $this->_check_cache($status, $response); foreach ($output as &$row) { $row['anime']['image'] = $this->get_cached_image($row['anime']['image'], $row['anime']['slug'], 'anime'); } return $output; } /** * Handle caching of transformed api data * * @codeCoverageIgnore * @param string $status * @param \GuzzleHttp\Message\Response * @return array */ protected function _check_cache($status, $response) { $cache_file = _dir($this->config->get('data_cache_path'), "anime-{$status}.json"); $transformed_cache_file = _dir($this->config->get('data_cache_path'), "anime-{$status}-transformed.json"); $cached = (file_exists($cache_file)) ? json_decode(file_get_contents($cache_file), TRUE) : []; $api_data = json_decode($response->getBody(), TRUE); if ($api_data === $cached && file_exists($transformed_cache_file)) { return json_decode(file_get_contents($transformed_cache_file), TRUE); } else { file_put_contents($cache_file, json_encode($api_data)); $transformer = new AnimeListTransformer(); $transformed = $transformer->transform_collection($api_data); file_put_contents($transformed_cache_file, json_encode($transformed)); return $transformed; } } /** * Sort the list by title * * @codeCoverageIgnore * @param array $array * @return void */ protected function sort_by_name(&$array) { $sort = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $item) { $sort[$key] = $item['anime']['title']; } array_multisort($sort, SORT_ASC, $array); } } // End of AnimeModel.php