meta = ""; $this->head_js = ""; $this->foot_js = ""; $this->css = ""; $this->title = ""; $this->head_tags = ""; $this->body_class = ""; $this->body_id = ""; $this->base = ""; $this->mm = miniMVC::get_instance(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets server headers and doctype * * Also sets page mime type, based on if sent as * html or xhtml, and what the target browser * supports * * @param bool $xhtml * @param bool $html5 * @return Page */ private function _headers($xhtml, $html5) { $this->mm->output->set_header("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate, public"); $mime = ""; //Variable for accept keyword $accept = ( ! empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] : ""; //Predefine doctype $doctype_string = ($html5 == TRUE) ? '' : ''; //Predefine charset $charset = "UTF-8"; //If xhtml flag is false, set html5 header if ($xhtml == TRUE) { //Check that the user agent accepts application/xhtml+xml, or if it's the W3C Validator if (stristr($accept, "application/xhtml+xml") || stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "W3C_Validator")) { $mime = "application/xhtml+xml"; } //Or if it supports application/xml else if (stristr($accept, "application/xml")) { $mime = "application/xml"; } //Or if it supports text/xml else if (stristr($accept, "text/xml")) { $mime = "text/xml"; } else //Otherwise, it's tag soup { $mime = "text/html"; if ($html5 == FALSE) //If it's not HTML5, it's HTML4 { $doctype_string = ''; } } } else { $mime = "text/html"; if ($html5 == FALSE) { $doctype_string = ''; } } // set the doctype according to the mime type which was determined if ($mime == "application/xhtml+xml" || $mime == "text/xml" || $mime == "application/xml") { if ($html5 == TRUE) { $doctype_string = ''; } $doctype_string = "" . $doctype_string . ""; } else { $doctype_string .= ""; } // finally, output the mime type and prolog type $this->mm->output->set_header("Content-Type", "{$mime};charset={$charset}"); $this->mm->output->set_header("X-UA-Compatible", "chrome=1, IE=edge"); $this->mm->output->set_output($doctype_string); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Meta * * Sets meta tags, with codeigniter native meta tag helper * * @param array $meta * @return Page */ public function set_meta($meta) { $this->meta .= $this->_meta($meta); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets minified javascript group in header * @param string $group * @param bool $debug * @return Page */ public function set_head_js_group($group, $debug = FALSE) { if ($group === FALSE) { return $this; } $file = SCRIPT_PATH . $group; $file .= ($debug == TRUE) ? "/debug/1" : ""; $this->head_js .= $this->script_tag($file, FALSE); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set an individual js file in header * @param string $js * @param bool $domain * @return Page */ public function set_head_js($js, $domain = TRUE) { $this->head_js .= $this->script_tag($js, $domain); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets a minified css group * @param string $group * @return Page */ public function set_css_group($group) { $link = array( 'href' => STYLE_PATH . $group, 'rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css' ); $this->css .= $this->_link_tag($link); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets a minified javascript group for the page footer * @param string $group * @return Page */ public function set_foot_js_group($group, $debug = FALSE) { $file = SCRIPT_PATH . $group; $file .= ($debug == TRUE) ? "/debug/1" : ""; $this->foot_js .= $this->script_tag($file, FALSE); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets js in footer; multiple files are combined and minified. * @param array $args * @return Page */ public function set_foot_js($js, $domain) { $this->foot_js .= $this->script_tag($js, $domain); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets html title string * @param string $title * @return Page */ public function set_title($title = "") { $title = ($title == "") ? DEFAULT_TITLE : $title; $this->title = $title; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets custom body class * @param string $class * @return Page */ public function set_body_class($class = "") { $this->body_class = $class; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets custom body id * @param string $id * @return Page */ public function set_body_id($id = "") { $this->body_id = $id; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets custom base href * @param string href * @return Page */ public function set_base($href) { $this->base = $href; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets custom css tags * @param string $name * @param string $media * @return Page */ public function set_css_tag($name, $domain = TRUE, $media = "all") { $path = CONTENT_DOMAIN; $css_file = $path . "/css/" . $name . ".css"; if ($domain == FALSE) { $css_file = $name; } $this->css_tags .= $this->_link_tag(array( 'rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css', 'media' => $media, 'href' => $css_file, )); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets uncompressed js file in footer * @param string $name * @param bool $domain * @return Page */ public function set_foot_js_tag($name, $domain = TRUE) { $this->foot_js .= $this->script_tag($name, $domain); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets a custom tag in the header * @param string $tag * @return Page */ public function set_head_tag($tag) { $this->head_tags .= $tag; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets custom page header * @param mixed $xhtml * @param bool $html5 * @param bool $fbml * @return Page */ public function build_header($xhtml = FALSE, $html5 = TRUE) { $data = array(); //Set Meta Tags $this->meta = ($html5 == TRUE) ? ''. $this->meta : $this->_meta(array( 'http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', 'content' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8', )) . $this->meta; $data['meta'] = $this->meta; //Set CSS if ($this->css !== "") { $data['css'] = $this->css; } else { //Set default CSS group $this->set_css_group(DEFAULT_CSS_GROUP); $data['css'] = $this->css; } //Set head javascript $data['head_js'] = ( ! empty($this->head_js)) ? $this->head_js : ""; //Set Page Title $data['title'] = ($this->title !== '') ? $this->title : DEFAULT_TITLE; //Set Body Class $data['body_class'] = $this->body_class; //Set Body Id $data['body_id'] = $this->body_id; //Set Base HREF $data['base'] = $this->base; //Set individual head tags $data['head_tags'] = $this->head_tags; //Set Server Headers and Doctype $this->_headers($xhtml, $html5); //Output Header $this->mm->load_view('header', $data); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Builds common footer with any additional js */ public function build_footer() { $data = array(); $data['foot_js'] = ($this->foot_js != "") ? $this->foot_js : ''; $this->mm->load_view('footer', $data); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Script Tag * * Helper function for making script tags * * @param string $js * @param bool $domain * @return string */ private function script_tag($js, $domain = TRUE) { $path = CONTENT_DOMAIN; $js_file = $path . "/js/" . $js . ".js"; if ($domain == FALSE) $js_file = $js; $tag = ''; return $tag; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Message * * Adds a message to the page * @param string $type * @param string $message * @return void */ public function set_message($type, $message) { $data['stat_class'] = $type; $data['message'] = $message; $this->mm->load_view('message', $data); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Redirect 303 * * Shortcut function for 303 redirect * @param string $url */ function redirect_303($url) { $this->mm->output->set_header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); $this->mm->output->set_header("Location:" . $url); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Render * * Shortcut function for building a page * @param string $view * @param array $data */ function render($view, $data=array()) { $this->build_header(); $this->mm->load_view($view, $data); $this->build_footer(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function _meta($params) { $string = " $v) { $string .= $k.'="'.$v.'" '; } $string .= " />"; return $string; } private function _link_tag($params) { $string = " $v) { $string .= $k . '="'.$v.'" '; } $string .= " />"; return $string; } } // End of page.php