# Keep It Simple JS Library # A Minimal, Modular Javascript library for Modern browsers. Aims to be fast, small, and easily split into individual modules. Browser support: IE8+, Latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera ## Basic Use: ## * Selector: `var x = $(selector);` * Function: `$_.module.function(params);` ## Modules: ## **Ajax**: simple, jQuery-like ajax functions functions: * Get: Use: `$_.get(url, data_object, callback);` * Post: Use: `$_.post(url, data_object, callback);` **QS**: querystring parsing and serialization for hashbang strings, and pushState urls functions: * Parse: Use: `$_.qs.parse(hb);` * Set: This function will set the hash url if browser doesn't have history.pushState Use: `$_.qs.set(key, value);` * Get: Retrieves the value of the key in the url string Use: `$_.qs.get(key);`