# Keep It Simple JS Library # A Minimal, Modular Javascript library for Modern browsers. Aims to be fast, small, and easily split into individual modules. Browser support: IE8+, Latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera ## Basic Use: ## * Function: `$_(selector).module.function(params);` ## Modules: ## **Global**: Core functions properties: * el: The html object returned by the selector function. functions: *each: For applying changes to every item matched by a selector Use: $_(selector).dom.each(callback); Example : $_(".foo").dom.each(function(e){ $_(e).dom.text(value); }): **Ajax**: simple, jQuery-like ajax functions functions: * Get: Use: $_.get(url, data_object, callback); * Post: Use: $_.post(url, data_object, callback); **QS**: querystring parsing and serialization for hashbang strings, and pushState urls functions: * Parse: Use: $_.qs.parse(hb); * Set: This function will set the hash url if browser doesn't have history.pushState Use: $_.qs.set(key, value); * Get: Retrieves the value of the key in the url string Use: $_.qs.get(key); **Store**: localstorage wrapper with automatic data serialization functions: * Get: Use: $_.store.get(key); * Set Use: $_.store.set(key, value); * getALL: Retreives all localstorage data in raw form Use: $_.store.getAll(); **Event**: wrapper for applying events to DOM objects functions: *Add: Use: $_(selector).event.add(event, callback); *Remove Use: $_(selector).event.remove(event, callback); **DOM**: Dom manipulation module function: *addClass: Use: $_(selector).dom.addClass(className); *RemoveClass: Use: $_(selector).dom.removeClass(className); *show: For setting dom elements as visible. Type defaults as "block", can be set with optional second parameter. Use: $_(selector).dom.show([type]); *hide: Hides the elements matching the selector Use: $_(selector).dom.hide(); *attr: Gets, sets, or removes an attribute from a selector. Use: Set: $_(selector).dom.attr(attributeName, attributeValue); Get: $_(selector).dom.attr(attributeName); Remove: $_(selector).dom.attr(attributeName, null); *text: Gets or sets the text in between an element's tags Use: Set: $_(selector).dom.text(text); Get: $_(selector).dom.text(); *css: Sets css styles on the selected element(s) Use: Set: $_(selector).dom.css(property, value);