(function(){ //"use strict"; //Selector test function function $(a) { var x = document.querySelectorAll(a); //Return the single object if applicable return (x.length === 1) ? x[0] : x; } module("core"); test("Basic requirements", function(){ expect(6); ok(document.querySelectorAll, "querySelectorAll"); ok(document.getElementById, "getElementById"); ok(document.getElementsByTagName, "getElementsByTagName"); ok(String.prototype.trim, "String.trim()"); strictEqual(typeof $_, "function", "Global var"); strictEqual(typeof $_(), "object"); }); test("Type Checking", function(){ equal($_.type(5), "number", "Number type"); equal($_.type("abc"), "string", "String type"); equal($_.type({}), "object", "Object type"); equal($_.type([0,1,2]), "array", "Array type"); equal($_.type(/x/), "regexp", "Regex type"); equal($_.type(function(){}), "function", "Function type"); equal($_.type(true), "boolean", "Boolean type"); }); test("Unique Selectors", function(){ var x = $_("ol"); var y = $_("aside"); expect(1); notStrictEqual(x.el, y.el, "Unique Query Objects - see Issue #5"); }); test("Extend function", function(){ var o = $_("ol"); expect(4); ok(o.ext, "Extend function exists"); $_.ext('test', {}); strictEqual(typeof o.test, "object", "Extend function adds to $_"); strictEqual(o.test.el, $_("ol").el, "Extend function adds selector to passed object"); strictEqual(o.test.el, o.el, "Selector is the same on parent and child object"); }); test("Selector tests", function(){ var i=0; $_("div").each(function(e){ equal(e, $_("div").el[i], ".each function has current selector"); i++; }); equal($_().el, window.document.documentElement, "Empty selector is set to documentElement"); }); test("Sub-modules", function(){ expect(4); ok($_.qs, "Query String module"); ok($_().event, "Event module"); ok($_.store, "Local Storage module"); ok($_().dom, "Dom manipulation module"); }); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module("ajax"); test("Methods defined", function(){ expect(2); ok($_.get, "AJAX get method"); ok($_.post, "AJAX post method"); }); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module("events"); test("Events defined", function(){ expect(2); ok($_.event.add, "Add Method Exists"); ok($_.event.remove, "Remove Method Exists"); }); test("Browser expando support", function() { expect(3); // kis-js events uses expando properties to store event listeners for IE // If this test fails, the event module will likely fail as well var ele = document.createElement("div"); ele.expando = {a:5, b:"c", c: function cool(){return ele}}; equal(ele.expando.a, 5); equal(ele.expando.b, "c"); equal(ele.expando.c(), ele, "Closure isn't broken by being assigned to an expando property"); }); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module("dom"); test("Add/Remove Class", function() { expect(4); var $test = $_("#testSpan"); var ele = $test.el; $test.dom.addClass("coolClass"); equal(ele.className, "coolClass"); $test.dom.addClass("anotherClass"); equal(ele.className, "coolClass anotherClass"); $test.dom.removeClass("coolClass"); equal(ele.className, "anotherClass"); $test.dom.removeClass("anotherClass"); ok(ele.className === undefined || ele.className === "", "testSpan.className is empty"); }); test("Show/Hide", function(){ expect(3); var $test = $_("#classChild .nephew"); var ele = $test.el; $test.dom.hide(); equal(ele.style.display, "none", "Element hidden with display:none"); $test.dom.show(); equal(ele.style.display, "block", "Element shown with display:block"); $test.dom.hide(); $test.dom.show('inline-block'); equal(ele.style.display, "inline-block", "Element shown with custom display type"); }); test("Text", function(){ expect(3); var $test = $_("article#r14"); var ele = $test.el; var text = (typeof ele.innerText !== "undefined") ? ele.innerText : ele.textContent; equal($test.el, $("article#r14"), "Selector property is correct"); equal($test.dom.text(), text, "Getting text"); equal($test.dom.text(""), "", "Setting text"); }); test("Attr", function(){ expect(2); var $test = $_("section"); var ele = $test.el; $test.dom.attr("id", "testing"); equal($test.dom.attr('id'), "testing", "Getting attribute"); equal(ele.id, "testing", "Setting attribute"); }); test("CSS", function(){ expect(2); var $test = $_("section[hidden='hidden']"); var ele = $test.el; $test.dom.css("display", "block"); equal(ele.style.display, "block", "Setting CSS"); equal($test.dom.css("display"), "block", "Getting CSS"); }); test("Children", function(){ var $test = $_("section"); var ele = $("section"); var ele2 = $_("section aside").el; equal($_("section").dom.children().el, ele.children, "Returns children without parameters"); equal($_("section").dom.children('#r14').el, document.getElementById('r14'), "Finds id"); equal($_("section").dom.children("aside").el, ele2, "Finds children by tag name"); equal($_("section aside").dom.children(".child").el, $_("#classChild .child").el, "Finds children by class"); }); }());