# Banker A Caching library implementing the PSR-6 and PSR-16 interfaces for several common cache backends ## Cache Backends * Apcu * Memcached * Redis * Null - no persistence ### Basic Usage (SimpleCache/PSR-16) ```php get($key, $defaultValue); // Save a new value at the specified key $saved = $cache->set($key, 'newValue'); ``` ### Basic Usage (Pool/PSR-6) ```php getItem('foo'); // Was there a cache hit? if ( ! $item->isHit()) { // ... Generation of value to cache $item->set($value); $item->save(); } else { $value = $item->get(); } ``` #### Configuration / Connection array The config array passed to the Pool class constructor determines which server to connect to. Regardless of the backend, the basic structure is like so: ```php 'null', // null, apcu, redis, memcached 'connection' => [ // Optional (For some drivers): // driver setup, see below for the structure for each // driver ], 'options' => [ // Optional: // Set additional driver-specific options, like persistence for // Memcached, or a prefix for Redis keys ] ]; ``` Below are the connection arrays for each backend: Memcached: ```php 'localhost', // hostname or socket 'port' => 11211, // Port needs to be 0 if socket 'persistent' => false, // Use persistent connection ]; ``` Redis: See [Predis](https://github.com/nrk/predis#connecting-to-redis) documentation. An empty array will connect to localhost on port 6379. Null, Apcu: No connection parameters