 * Query
 * Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer
 * @package		Query
 * @author		Timothy J. Warren
 * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2012
 * @link 		https://github.com/aviat4ion/Query
 * @license		http://philsturgeon.co.uk/code/dbad-license

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

class MySQLQBTest extends QBTest {

	public function __construct()

 		// Attempt to connect, if there is a test config file
		if (is_file(QBASE_DIR . "test_config.json"))
			$params = json_decode(file_get_contents(QBASE_DIR . "test_config.json"));
			$params = $params->mysql;
			$params->type = "MySQL";

			$this->db = new Query_Builder($params);

			// echo '<hr /> MySQL Queries <hr />';
		elseif (($var = getenv('CI')))
			$params = array(
				'host' => '',
				'port' => '3306',
				'database' => 'test',
				'user' => 'root',
				'pass' => NULL,
				'type' => 'mysql'

			$this->db = new Query_Builder($params);
			die("Error with mysql credentials");

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public function TestExists()
		$this->assertTrue(in_array('mysql', PDO::getAvailableDrivers()));