<!-- By default, we assume all tools to be on the $PATH -->
<targetname="full-build"depends="prepare,static-analysis,phpunit,phpdox,sonar"description="Performs static analysis, runs the tests, and generates project documentation"/>
<targetname="quick-build"depends="prepare,lint,phpunit-no-coverage"description="Performs a lint check and runs the tests (without generating code coverage reports)"/>
<targetname="phploc"unless="phploc.done"description="Measure project size using PHPLOC and print human readable output. Intended for usage on the command line.">
<targetname="phploc-ci"unless="phploc.done"depends="prepare"description="Measure project size using PHPLOC and log result in CSV and XML format. Intended for usage within a continuous integration environment.">
<targetname="pdepend"unless="pdepend.done"depends="prepare"description="Calculate software metrics using PHP_Depend and log result in XML format. Intended for usage within a continuous integration environment.">
<targetname="phpcpd"unless="phpcpd.done"description="Find duplicate code using PHPCPD and print human readable output. Intended for usage on the command line before committing.">
<targetname="phpcpd-ci"unless="phpcpd.done"depends="prepare"description="Find duplicate code using PHPCPD and log result in XML format. Intended for usage within a continuous integration environment.">
<targetname="phpunit-no-coverage"depends="prepare"unless="phpunit.done"description="Run unit tests with PHPUnit (without generating code coverage reports)">