conn = ibase_connect($dbpath, $user, $pass); } /** * Close the link to the database */ function __destruct() { ibase_close($this->conn); } /** * Empty a database table * * @param string $table */ function truncate($table) { // Firebird lacka a truncate command $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table}"; $this->query($sql); } /** * Wrapper function to better match PDO * * @param string $sql * @return resource */ function query($sql) { $this->statement = ibase_query($this->conn, $sql); return $this->statement; } /** * Emulate PDO fetch function * * @param int $fetch_style * @return mixed */ function fetch($fetch_style=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) { switch($fetch_style) { case PDO::FETCH_OBJ: return ibase_fetch_object($this->statement); break; case PDO::FETCH_NUM: return ibase_fetch_row($this->statement); break; case PDO::FETCH_BOTH: return array_merge( ibase_fetch_row($this->statement), ibase_fetch_assoc($this->statement) ); break; default: return ibase_fetch_assoc($this->statement); break; } } /** * Emulate PDO fetchAll function * * @param int $fetch_style * @return mixed */ function fetchAll($fetch_style=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) { $all = array(); while($row = $this->fetch($fetch_style)) { $all[] = $row; } return $all; } /** * Emulate PDO prepare * * @return resource */ function prepare() { $this->statement = ibase_prepare($this->conn, $query); return $this->statement; } /** * List tables for the current database * * @return mixed */ function get_tables() { $sql="SELECT rdb\$relation_name FROM rdb\$relations WHERE rdb\$relation_name NOT LIKE 'RDB\$%'"; $this->statement = $this->query($sql); return $this->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); } /** * Return the number of rows affected by the previous query * * @return int */ function affected_rows() { return ibase_affected_rows($this->conn); } /** * Return the number of rows returned for a SELECT query * * @return int */ function num_rows() { // TODO: Implement } } class firebird_manip extends firebird { function __construct($db, $user="sysdba", $pass="masterkey") { parent::__construct($db, $user, $pass); } function create_table($name, $fields, $constraints=array()) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE {$name}"; } } // End of firebird.php